Unit 5 Text A Bnew.ppt

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padded We swam ashore. A few pieces of wood had washed ashore. Strong winds blew the ship ashore. be aboard, be away, be awake, be alike, be afraid, be abreast gratitude (L. 34): n. being thankful; thankfulness (followed by to sb./ for sth.) Translate the following sentences into English, using the above words. Graduate (L. 50) to start doing something that is bigger, better, or more important; As an actress, she has graduated from small roles to more substantial parts. assemble: 1) bring or call together into a group; Examples: The members of the tour group assembled at the airport for departure. Delegates were assembling in Geneva for the conference. assemble: 2) fit together the parts or pieces of ; Examples: It took me less than an hour to assemble the bookcase. assemble: 3) get and put together sth. such as proof or information in an organized way; Examples: The lawyer is assembling evidence concerning a murder case. Considerate (L. 62) thoughtful of the needs, etc. of others It’s ~ of sb to do sth// to be ~ towards /to others considerable: much, great A considerable income/ distance 相当可观的收入/相当远的距离 recede verb [I] (L. 69) to move further away into the distance, or to become less clear or less bright: As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible. The painful memories gradually receded in her mind. Alternately (L. 75) if two things alternate, they happen one after another in a repeated pattern Twist you body, alternate right and left stretches. She alternated between outrage and sympathy. If something happens on alternate days, weeks etc, it happens on one day after the other in a regular pattern Alternate Mondays/weekends Alternate blue and red stripes successive (L.75): a. following one after the other Welcome (L. 90) if something is welcome, you enjoy it because you feel that you need it. The weekend was a welcome break from the pressure of work. Six months in Scotland would make a welcome chan


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