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陕西的过年习俗 台湾的过年习俗 台湾的过年习俗 重庆的过年习俗 东北的过年习俗 福建的过年习俗 life 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 天真无邪宝宝趣图 盘点全国各地 过春节的特色习俗 在中国,有腊八节喝腊八粥的习俗。据说中国江南、东北、西北广大地区仍保留此习俗,南方地区已偏少,台湾等地则几乎没有。腊八开始,年的味道越来越浓厚,下面我们盘点一下全国各地的过年习俗。 In China, there are the la ba festival custom of drinking Laba rice porridge. In china south , northeast ,northwest area is said to still keep this custom, the south has fewer, Taiwan is almost none. In strong at the beginning of the Laba, here we take stock of Chinese New Year customs all over the country 云南年俗 Chinese New Year with the han nationality in yunnan is to stick couplets. But the couplet is red paper cut into all sorts of design. Write in a different way, not only even paste way of having a unique style. On New Years eve the whole family last-borns, each holding a homemade couplets chorus songs to years, outside the college, school, vegetable fruit orchards and headland posted for everything. 云南过年时与汉族一样也要贴对联。但那“对联”是红纸剪成的各种图案。不仅“书写”方式不同,连贴的方式也别具一格。除夕之夜,全家老小每人拿着自制的春联,合唱《祝年歌》依序在院里院外、菜地果园和田边地角为万物张贴。 上海的过年习俗 Old people live to supposedly 81 year there was a gate of hell, the only ate the party can only be safe through this. So home has a old man filial piety male mule are out on the first day of the lunar New Year month to beg for their parents. There is a beggar commonly known as beggar, they wrapped in red paper carrots on the bamboo pole, every house, they said vegetable, to good business, beg alms, this call to beet. 上海的过年习俗 旧时, 据传老年人活到九九八十一岁有一道鬼门关,只有吃了“百家饭”才可安然无恙度过这一关。于是家有老人的孝男孝女们在新春初一日走出家门去讨饭给自己的父母吃。还有一种乞丐俗称“叫化子”,他们用红纸裹着菜头挂在竹杆上,每到一家门前就说菜头到,生意好,恳求施舍,这叫“送菜头”。 Shaanxi folkway of primitive simplicity,the Spring Festival with strong local flavor and local characteristics. The beginning. Not in December 29 or 30, in ancient times but in LaRi, laba later. Northern and southern dynasties after The sacrificial offering to the end. In the republic of China, to switch to solar calendar before the lunar year is ca


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