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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3Ten Ways to Get People to Change发布时间:2012-10-09文章出自:原文链接: HYPERLINK /cs/2012/09/ten_ways_to_get_people_to_chan.html \t _blank 点击查看Ten Ways to Get People to Changeby Morten T. Hansen | 8:00 AM September 21, 2012How do you get leaders, employees, customers — and even yourself — to change behaviors? Executives can change strategy, products and processes until theyre blue in the face, but real change doesnt take hold until people actually change what they do.I spent the summer reviewing research on this topic. Here is my list of 10 approaches that seem to work.1. Embrace the power of one. One company I worked with posted 8 values and 12 competencies they wanted employees to practice. The result: Nothing changed. When you have 20 priorities, you have none. Research on multi-tasking reveals that were not good at it. Focus on one behavior to change at a time. Sequence the change of more than one behavior.2. Make it sticky. Goal theory has taught us that for goals to be effective, they need to be concrete and measurable. So with behaviors. Listen actively is vague and not measurable. Paraphrase what others said and check for accuracy is concrete and measurable.3. Paint a vivid picture. When celebrity chef Jamie Oliver wanted to change the eating habits of kids at a U.S. school, he got their attention with a single, disgusting image: A truckload of pure animal fat (see photo). When Oliver taught an obese kid to cook, he showed how cooking can be cool — walking with head up, shoulders back, and a swagger while preparing food. This gave the boy a positive image he could relate to. As Herminia Ibarra outlines in her book Working Identity, imagining new selves can be a powerful force for change. Use stories, metaphors, pictures, and physical objects to paint an ugly image of where we are now and a better vision of a glorious new state. This taps into peoples emotions, a forceful lever for (or against) change.4. Activate peer pressure. As social comparison


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