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摘 要 改革开放以来,随着中国社会主义市场经济的不断开放和发展,我国的经济已经融入到了世界经济的大循环之中。世界各国的商品大量进入中国,其中不乏一些价值不菲的奢侈品。近些年来居民收入水平的大幅增长,中国涌现出来一大批富裕阶层并逐步成为这些奢侈品消费市场的生力军。据国家统计局统计,我国的奢侈品消费市场正在以每年20%~30%的速度增长,增长率稳居全球之首。本文通过使用经济学、动态以及静态多种分析方法对奢侈品进出口贸易这个比较新的命题进行研究,从奢侈品的定义出发,讨论了奢侈品的特点,目前国内奢侈品的进出口现状和存在问题。并以此为依据针对我国奢侈品进出口贸易存在的问题,提出了解决问题的建议和方法,以期中国的奢侈品进出口贸易更加稳定健康的发展。 关键词:奢侈品 进出口贸易 奢侈品贸易发展 The problems and countermeasures of China’s luxury goods import and export Abstract: Since the reform and opening up,constantly poening up and development of China’s socialist market economy, China’s economy has been integrated into the cricle of the world economy.The goods of the world has poured into China,including some valuable luxury.In recent years substantial growth in income levels,emerged a large number of affluent and gradually become a new force of the luxury conumer market.According to the National Bureau of Statistics,China’s luxury market is growing at a speed of 20% to 30% per year growth rate ranked the first in the world.Variety pf analytical methods through the use of economics,dynamic and statid import and export trade of luxury goods,a relatively new proposition,starting from the definition of luxury goods,and discussed the characteristics of luxury goods,import and export situation of domestic luxury problem.And as a basis for China’s import and export trade od luxury goods,put forward suggestions and methods to solve the problem,in order to import and export trade of luxury goods in China more stable and healthy development. Keywords: Luxury Import and export trade Luxury trade development 目录 1 引言 1 1.1选题背景及意义 1 1.2国内外相关研究现状 2 1.3选题的内容和结构 4 1.4选题研究的思路和方法 5 2奢侈品概述及国内外奢侈品市场现状 7 2.1奢侈品行业概述 7 2.2国内外奢侈品消费市场现状 14 3中国奢侈品进出口贸易现状 18 3.1中国奢侈品进出口贸易状况——进口远远大于出口 18 3.2中国奢侈品进口现状 18 3.3中国奢侈品出口现状 20 4中国奢侈品进出口贸易现存的问题及原因 23 4.1中国奢侈品进出口贸易存在的问题 23 4.2中国奢侈品贸易出现问题的原因 25 5我国奢侈品贸易发展的策略 29 5.1调整奢侈品的关税税率 29 5.2加大打击奢侈品走私力度 29 5.3打造中国本土奢侈品牌 30 5.4发展无形奢侈品牌贸易 31 6结论 32 参考文献: 33 致 谢 36 附录: 44 1 引言 1.1选题背景及意义 1.1.1选题背景 近些年来,一股奢侈品的消费


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