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Slide 12 Re-use applications for S/S waste As a general rule, S/S techniques should be seen as a landfill pre-treatment stage. See also Chapter 6.6 Land disposal Although there may be posible ways to use S/S treated waste, there are a number of factors to consider. The lack of knowledge about long-term performance and environmental impact of the S/S treated wastes is the most important of those. In view of the wide range of possible scenarios in use situations, it is often impossible to predict the environmental consequences of using waste products based on limited testing data. The perception of risk associated with use of S/S waste will typically limit the desirability and the opportunities. The leaching potential may make the S/S treated waste suitable for use only in specified controlled circumstances eg quarry rehabilitation, road base material. Where the S/S treated waste is unsuitable for use, or where use is impractical or not permitted, it should be landfilled in a segregated site. Disposal in a clay-lined cell is the preferred option. S/S waste should not be landfilled with MSW as the acid leachates produced by the mixed wastes will adversely affect the S/S waste and its ability to retain hazardous components. Compatibility with the disposal environment should form part of the design and treatability-testing programme. Slide 13 Wastes typically treated by S/S The slide gives some examples of types of wastes that are commonly treated by S/S. The list is not exhaustive and many different waste types have been treated, although these probably represent the major types. Waste incineration ash and air pollution control residues are commonly solidified in Europe while in the USA contaminated soil is extensively treated by S/S. Note that all of these wastes are predominantly inorganic, although they are likely to contain some level of organic contamination. As has been stated, highly organic wastes are not generally suitable for treatment by S/S techniques


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