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新型光纖接頭精微模具設計及成型技術之研究 Research Development of a Novel Precise Mold and the Molding Technique for Optical Fiber Ferrules 黃明賢 M.-S. Huang 國立高雄第一科技大學 機械與自動化工程系 助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology 林宗彥 T.-Y. Lin 國立高雄第一科技大學 機械與自動化工程系 研究生 Graduate student, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology 摘 要 傳統模具設計及成型技術乃針對尺寸大且精度要求不高的產品,但近年來由於射出成型件已趨向重量小且尺寸要求精度高,模具設計中所忽略的模具定位和變形顯得格外重要。本研究以SC型塑膠光纖接頭模具為載具,設計一具有精密定位功能的新型模具,擬將射出成型機開關模運動之誤差及模板變形對模具定位之影響排除在外;另外,利用Moldex模流分析軟體模擬分析模具的芯模承受熔膠拖曳力時所造成的變形,並且以此為參考結合田口實驗計畫法尋找成型參數之最佳化。根據實驗結果顯示,模具模板變形量及平行度會受到機台振動的影響,在精微模具設計時需將基台振動的因素考量在內,基於此設計理念,新型光纖接頭模具在定位穩定度方面,較傳統穩定,至於以模流分析軟體模擬成型參數對芯模變形之影響得知射出速率及熔膠溫度的貢獻度最大。 關鍵詞:微射出成型;精密定位機構;模具變形;製程參數最佳化;SC型塑膠光纖接頭 Abstract The conventional mold design and injection molding technique tends to apply for parts with large size and low-precision dimension. Nowadays, molding parts with tiny dimensions and high accuracy are tremendously required. Thus, the positioning accuracy of mold plates movement and the control of their mold deformation are important to product quality. By employing the SC-typed plastic ferrules as the study vehicle, this research aims to design a new molding mechanism to achieve high positioning capacity when mold closing. The design concept is to eliminate the misalignment of mold closing caused by the deformation of the clamping unit. Moreover, the commercial software “Moldex” is applied to simulate the little deformation of tiny core caused by the drag force of melt polymer. By applying Taguchi method, the optimal parameter setting is decided. According to experimental result, the mold platens are affected by the molding machine’s vibration. Therefore taking this factor into account is necessary when optical fiber connector mold was designed. The measurement shows that this new-typed mold structure is more reliable in p


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