
Action Research Project Every Teacher is a Writing Teacher.ppt

Action Research Project Every Teacher is a Writing Teacher.ppt

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Action Research Project Every Teacher is a Writing Teacher

ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT: Every Teacher is a Writing Teacher Lisa Noffo, Robin Atkins Kenneth Williams Miami Central Senior High School Superintendent’s Urban Principal Initiative Abstract of the Study The focus of this action research is to improve the writing test scores at Miami Central Senior High School. 3 strategies were used: Team teaching which served as a professional development tool for non-language arts teachers. An eighth period writing course was implemented for all 10th grade students. Writing across the curriculum was implemented in all core and elective courses. Introduction/Background The major concern at Miami Central Senior High is that students are having difficulty mastering the writing process. The researchers believe that as a result of student difficulties and limited foundational writing skills our students demonstrate a lack of proficiency in writing semantics. Our goal is that Miami Central High School students will acquire writing skills which will result in an improvement in the writing process. Background Information Miami Central Senior High School was built in 1959 and resides on 95th Street and 17th Avenue. MCHS has 115 classrooms and utilizes 16 portable classrooms. Approximately. Student background information 82% of the student population is Black non-Hispanic 17% of the student population is Hispanic 1% of the student population is White non-Hispanic Less than 1% Asian/Indian Multicultural 17% of the student population is enrolled in the Exceptional Student Education program 5.5% of the population are Limited English Proficient Students ESOL 60% of the students are on free and reduced lunch. Research Question How will team teaching, writing across the curriculum and an intensive 8th period writing curriculum improve writing scores? Literature Review Kelly, Melissa, “Writing Across the Curriculum,” – http://712/cs/writingresources/a/writing.htm This article was chosen because the author discussed many strategies tha


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