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The System of Peoples Congress I. The nature and position of the system of peoples congress The system of peoples congress is an organizational form for the state power in China. It is Chinas fundamental political system. The power in the Peoples Republic of China belongs to the people and the organ for the people to exercise state power is the National Peoples Congress and local peoples congresses at all levels. The National Peoples Congress (NPC) and local peoples congresses are established through democratic elections, responsible to and supervised by the people. State administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs are created by, responsible to and supervised by the peoples congresses. The National Peoples Congress is the highest organ of state power. Local peoples congresses are local organs of state power. II. The National Peoples Congress 1. The composition and term of office of the NPC The NPC is composed of deputies elected from the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and deputies elected by the armed forces. Deputies to the NPC are organized into delegations according to the units they are elected from. Each delegation is headed y a chairman and vice chairmen. All the ethnic minorities are entitled to appropriate representation. The NPC is elected for a term of five years. The Standing Committee of the NPC must ensure the completion of election of deputies to the succeeding NPC two months prior to the expiration of the term of office of the current NPC. Should extraordinary circumstances prevent such an election, it may be postponed and the term of office of the current NPC extended by the decision of a vote of more than two-thirds of all those on the Standing Committee of the current NPC. The election of deputies to the succeeding NPC must be completed within one year after the termination of such extraordinary circumstances. The NPC meets in session once a year and is convened by its Standing Com


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