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西北农林科技大学资源环境学院资环专业学科导论论文 农业专业合作社以的发展和前景 姓名:梁文青 学号 班级:资环063班 日期:2008.6 农业专业合作社的发展和前景 西北农林科技大学资环学院 梁文青 摘要: 农业产业化经营已经进行了多年,我们国家的农业发展也取得了很大的成绩。农业专业合作社则是农业产业化当中一个重要的组成部分。但是,我们必须看到现在的农业还存在很多的问题。农业基础薄弱、产量低、品质差、规模化程度低,商品化的产、工、销体系还没有成熟起来。农业产业化也就是要求我们找到向商业一样的生产和销售模式,改变单一、落后的小农经济模式,同时要积极开拓市场,拓展农产品的产业链,实现农业增值、农民致富、农业发展的目标。农业专业合作社便是能够适应现有的生产和销售的一种好的模式。农业专业合作社的发展现在也逐步趋于成熟,特别是《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法》的出现。我们在这里将综合全国的成果经验,并结合但前农业的实际问题,进行研究农业专业合作社的发展模式,以及农业合作社的发展前景。 关键字:农业专业合作社 ,农产品,,发展前景 The development of agricultural cooperatives and professional prospects Abstract: ????? Industrial management of agriculture has been going on for many years, our countrys agricultural development has also made great achievements. Professional agricultural cooperatives is the industrialization of agriculture are an important component. However, we must now see that there are still many agricultural problems. Weak agricultural foundation, low production, poor quality, low level of large-scale, commercial production, engineering, marketing system is still not mature. The industrialization of agriculture also is asking us to find the same commercial production and sales model, a single change, the small-behind model, we must actively open up markets, expand agricultural industrial chain, value-added agriculture, farmers get rich, agricultural development goals . Professional agricultural cooperatives is able to adapt to existing production and marketing of a good model. Professional development of agricultural cooperatives is also gradually maturing, particularly the Peoples Republic of professional farmers cooperatives law there. Here we will consolidate the results of the national experience and combining it before the real problems of agriculture, agricultural professionals to study the cooperative model of development and prospects for the development of agricultural cooperatives. Keyword: professional agricultural cooperatives, agricultural products, and


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