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北方民族大学 学士学位论文 论文题目: 刑事证人保护问题研究 院 部 名 称: 法 学 院 学 生 姓 名: 黄 慧 专 业: 法 学 学 号: 座机电话号码 指导教师姓名: 赵 丽 论文提交时间: 2009年5月3日 论文答辩时间: 2009年5月 学位授予时间: 2009年6月 北方民族大学教务处制 摘 要 证人保护制度是保障证人出庭作证的关键性措施之一,世界上许多国家均对证人保护制度进行了专门立法。尽管我国刑事诉讼法有明确的规定,证人应当出庭作证,但是,在司法实践中,刑事证人出庭率极低,证人拒证的现象普遍存在。随着证人出庭作证难的问题日益突出,刑事证人保护制度在我国也越来越受到重视,但立法和司法实践上仍存在很多缺陷, 例如:保护对象范围及内容过于狭窄;法律规定过于原则;侧重于事后救济,缺乏预防性措施;等等。另外,也缺乏专门机构和具体措施对证人进行保护,保护证人的经费也得不到很好的解决。针对上述缺陷,笔者对完善证人保护制度展开设想,分别从证人保护的内容,证人保护的具体措施,证人保护制度的执行机关,证人保护的启动程序等方面做出论述。 关键词:刑事证人保护,现状,价值,设想 ABSTRACT The system of witness protection is one of the most important measures to safeguard witness appear in court to provide evidences, and there are many countries in the world of special legislation to protect witnesses. There is a low attendance of witnesses and a phenomenon of refusal to testify in spite of clear provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure that the witness should testify in court. As the problem of refusal to testify goes increasingly fierce in the contemporary society, more attention should be paid on the system of witness protection. There are still many defects of legislation and judicial practice, for example, the scope and content of the object of protection is too narrow; the regulations are too abstract to understand; the regulations focus on relief instead of taking some preventive measures; etc. Besides, there are no specialized agencies and specific measures to protect witnesses and there is no authority to pay expenses of witness protection. In response to these shortcomings, I express my views on how to improve the witness protection system, especially on the content of witness protection, specific measures of witness protection, enforcement authorities of witness protection. KEY WORDS: witness protection, current situation, value, envision 目 录 前言…………………………………………………………………………………1 一、我国刑事证人保护的现状及缺陷……………………………………………2 (一)我国刑事证人保护制度的立法现状………………………………………2 (二)我国刑事证人保护的司法现状……………………………………………4 二、证人保护的价值分析…………………………………………………………5 (一)刑事证人保护对刑事诉讼程序正


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