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初中物理课程体系图 一. 运动的描述(参照物的选择,描述物体的状态) 二.运动的快慢(匀速直线运动) 运动和力 三. 长度时间的测量(会用秒表刻度尺,以及误差) 四. 力(力的产生,作用效果,三要素,物体间相互作用力) 五. 牛顿第一定律(实验加猜想,实验题经常考) 六. 二力平衡(二力平衡的条件,实验) 一.弹力和弹簧测力计(弹力的产生及弹簧测力计的使用方法) 二.重力(产生,重力的三要素,实际应用) 力和机械运动 三.摩擦力(产生,种类,增大及减小摩擦的方法以及在生活中的应用) 四.杠杆(杠杆的分类,画图是重点) 五.其他简单机械(动滑轮,定滑轮的应用画图和计算) 压强 大气压强 液体压强 1.定义:浸在液体中的物体,受到液体对它向上的托力。 浮力产生原因:物体受到液体对它上、下表面的压力差。 3.阿基米德原理: F浮 ρ液V排g由公式可知,浮力只与液体的密度和排开液体的体积有关 .浮沉条件 漂浮: F浮 G物____ 悬浮: F浮 G物____ 上浮: F浮>G物___ 下沉: F浮<G物___ 浮力 4.浮力的应用:轮船、潜水艇、气球、飞艇、密度计 5.计算浮力的方法 1.称重法:F浮 G-F拉 2.压力差法:F浮 F上-F下 3.阿基米德原理:F浮 G排 ρ液V排g 4.利用浮沉条件(平衡法) 一,功(功的产生,功的原理) 功和机械能 二,机械效率(应用公式计算) 三,功率(计算) 四,动能和势能 五,机械能及其转化 一.分子热运动 一 .能源家族 热和能 二.内能 能源与可持续发展 二. 核能 三. 太阳能 三.比热容 四. 能源革命 四.热机 五.能量的转化和守恒 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract contract conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans in words until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank account , uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrowers withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrowers account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management,stop paid confirmed book records table sin


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