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参考译文: OK, our next story. There was a global outpouring of sympathy earlier this week, when the musician Prince was found dead. Investigators don`t know for sure yet why he died. They did find he had prescription opioid medication in his possession and in his home. 下一则新闻。本周早些时候,音乐家Prince去世,引发全球悲伤。调查人员尚不清楚其死因。在Prince的随身物品以及家中,调查人员发现了阿片类药物处方。 Prince`s music, his record label, his estate, they`re estimated to be worth around $300 million, and his sister filed legal documents that said he didn`t have a will. Prince的歌曲,唱片公司和遗产,据估计价值3亿美元。Prince的妹妹已经提出了法律文件称Prince生前没有立遗嘱。 That brings in a lot of questions. Prince was divorced. He had no surviving children. His parents have died. If he never put it in writing where he wanted the money to go, what happens next? 这就引发了很多问题。Prince已经离婚。也没有孩子。其双亲也已去世。如果他没有立下遗嘱,那么接下来应该怎么办呢? A will is just a legal document that says who gets your money and your property when you died. What happens if you die without a will? 遗嘱仅仅是用于说明人员死亡后,谁将会分得财产的法律文件。但是如果人员已经去世,但是尚未立下遗嘱,那应该怎么办呢? If someone dies without leaving a legal will, it means they died intestate, and that can mean they`re leaving their fortune up to chance. 如果某人去世时,没有立下遗嘱,属于无遗嘱死亡。这意味着财产的分配可能会有多种方式。 Each state is different but generally the law of intestacy determines who are your heirs and who gets your money and your possessions. 每一个国家有不同的法律规定,但是一般而言,无遗嘱死亡法律规定了继承人身份、以及获继承财产的人的身份。 Let me draw you a picture of what that means. If somebody dies, usually their spouse inherits everything. But if they have no living spouse, then everything usually goes to their children. But if they have no living children, then everything goes up to their parents. If they have no parents living, then everything may go to the sibling. 我们画张图来解释一下。如果某人死亡,通常由配偶继承财产。但是若其配偶已经去世,则继承权属于子女。若无子嗣,则继承权归属父母。若父母也已去世,则继承权由死者兄弟姐妹获得。 And if you truly are somebody with no heirs whatsoever, then there`s even a chance it may all go to the government. 但假如真的没有继承人行驶继承权,则将由政府行使继承权力。 听力原文: OK, our next story. There was a global outpour


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