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新农村建设科技示范 申报类型: 示范(试点)类型: 乡镇 村 申报单位: 主要技术依托单位: 起止年限: 年 月 日至 年 月 日 年 月 日 填 报 说 明 一、申报基本情况 申报 主要负责人姓名 联系电话 联系人姓名 联系电话 开展示范的技术依托单位 是否为本科技示范 是否为其他级以上示范请注明 GDP或总产值 主导产业或特色产业占GDP或总产值的比例 产业结构比例(%) 工业 服务业 人口数 总人口数 农民人均纯收入(元/人) 农业人口 1、概述(包括意义和必要性,工作基础和优势、总体目标和任务,预期效果等) 2、具体任务内容和指标(以市新农村建设科技示范点创建活动实施方案的重点任务和示范内容为主、结合本地实际情况提出,注重说明科技如何发挥作用并提出明确的技术指标) 3、组织实施及保障措施(提出切实可行的政策、措施和明确的资金来源和投入办法) 4、进度安排(按项目的阶段目标分年度描述)5、完成情况:进度情况,效益情况(经济,社会,生态效益 (公 章) 年 月 日 联系人 电话 well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a persons energy, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three emphasis on to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work,


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