新视野第三版Unt I section B Book I课文及译文.doc

新视野第三版Unt I section B Book I课文及译文.doc

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新视野第三版Unt I section B Book I课文及译文

Unit I section B Book I What we wish 1. My dear child, You are about to participate in the next ______ of your journey through life. For us, this part is ______. As you go off to college, exciting new worlds will __ __ __ you. They will ______ and ______ you; you will grow i______ ______ ______. 我亲爱的孩子: 你即将踏上人生的下一段旅程。这让我们感到喜忧参半。当你离开家步入大学的校门,激动人心的崭新世界将会展现在你面前。这将带给你鼓舞,也会使你面临挑战;你将获得巨大的进步与成长。 This is also a moment of sadness. Your departure to college makes it undeniably clear that you are no longer a child. There has been no ______ ______ than watching you arrive at this moment. You have turned our greatest ______ into our greatest ______. Although we have brought you to this point, it is hard to watch you ______. Remember ______ ______ ______, we will miss you. 2. 这也是令人伤感的时刻。离开家去上大学就明确意味着你不再是个孩子了。没有什么比看到你走到今天这一步更令人欣喜的了。你曾经是我们最大的挑战,现在却成为我们最大的骄傲。虽然是我们把你带到了这一步,但是看着你离开仍然很不舍。记住,最主要的是,我们会想念你。 College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will______ ______ ______ what learning is about. You often ask, “why do I need to know this?” I encourage you to stay ______, but remember this : “Education is ______ ______ after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” What you learn is not as important as the fact that you learn. This is the ______ of ______: moving from______ ______ to ______ ______, on over to the point where you become a ______. So, take each subject seriously, and if something doesn’t immediately ______ you, don’t ______. ______ it as a challenge. Find a way to make it your own. 3. 大学将是你人生中最重要的时光。只有在大学里你才会真正发现学习的真谛。你经常会问:“为什么我需要知道这个?”我希望你保持好奇心,但是记住:“给予就是当一个人忘记了在学校所学的一切之后剩下的东西。”你学什么并不如学习本身更重要。做学问的精髓就在于它可以使你从被动学习转向主动学习——直至成为一个有自学能力的人。所以,要认真对待每一门课程。如果某门课不能马上吸引你,不要绝望。把它当作一个挑战来接受它,设法使之成为你自己所喜欢的。 Of course, you must still take care to ______ ________ ____ course which ______ your passion and your intellectual ______. Don’t ______ ______ ______ what other people think. Steve Jobs said, when you are in college, your passion w



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