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Life in a violin case Ⅰ Objective Topic: Dreams Text: life in a violin case Ⅱ Time Arrangement About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself. Ⅲ Related Information Introduction to the Topic Spring Hill College Spring Hill College is the first Catholic (天主教的) college in the Southeast of the USA, the third oldest Jesuit (耶酥会会士) college in the country and the fifth oldest Catholic college in America. It is a four-year, coeducational (男女同校的), liberal arts (文科) and sciences institution located near the Gulf Coast in Mobile, Alabama. ? For more information, please visitPreview Questions (1) What factors is the most important in realizing your dream? (2) What may have to be given up for the realization of your dream? Ⅳ Emphasized Points New Words (1) violin (2) occupation (3) community (4) wolf (5) satisfaction (6) abroad (7) mild (8) primary (9) condition (10) bring up (11) in view of (12) keep the wolves (13) as a consequence (14) run into (15) seek out Ⅴ Text Comprehension Analysis the text, explain some important sentences: 1. . Life in a Violin Case Meaning: Leading a Life as a Violinist. This text is about the authors life as a musician and how he enjoys this kind of life. It is most probable that he plays the violin, so the title is like this. a violin case: a wooden and leather case for holding a violin 2. In order to tell you what I believe, I must briefly bring up something from my personal history. Meaning: In order to tell you my beliefs, I must first say a few words about what has happened to my family and me. 3. The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising career in business to study music. Meaning: An important change took place in my life when I decided to give up my career in business to study music, though it seemed that I could have achieved great success in business. 4.My parents, although sympathetic, disapproved of music as an occupation. Meaning: My parents u


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