课件-语法-第章 名词.docVIP

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课件-语法-第章 名词

第一章 名词 1.1 名词的定义 e.g. engineer telephone Diana attention war palace 1.2 名词的分类 A. 按意义可分为 proper noun common noun Proper noun 又可分为 class n., collective n., material n., abstract n. 1 proper n.: e.g. Zhou Enlai New York the Atlantic Ocean The Communist Party of China the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland [note:] common noun的分类并不是绝对的它们可以相互转化,也可以和proper noun转化。 2 common n.: a. class n e.g. nurse bird city piano b. collective n.: e.g. family army committee society crew mankind c. material n.: e.g. water sand flour light sugar glass d. abstract n.: e.g. honesty carefulness music geometry courage work B. 按可数性可分为 countable noun [C] uncountable noun [U] class n.皆可数, collective n.大都可数,proper n., material n., abstract n.不可数。 C. 按词形分为 simple noun compound noun 1 simple n.: e.g. mother opinion vase 2 compound n.: e.g. bedroom mother-of-pearl [note:] compound n.一般为第一个词重读,第二个词次重读。 D. 除上述各种名词外,还有一种由其他词类形式构成的名词。这种由其他词类构成名字的现象叫做名词化(substantivization)。名词化的词类主要有下列四类: 1 名词化的adj.: e.g. rich poor blind sick dumb Scotland 2 名词化的过去分词: e.g. wounded accused unknown firstborn 3 名词化的动名词: e.g. feeling suffering thinking writing printing building 4 名词化的数词: e.g. on all fours ask for seconds from the first need a fourth in the game 除上述词类可用作名词外,其他词类以及单词、短语等也都可以用作名词,如pron., adv., conj., prep., verb phrase等等。 有许多固定词组已经变成了compoun n.: e.g. to-do good-for-nothing touch-me-not well-being has-been might-have-been right-about-face 1.3 名词的功用——在句子中可以用作各种句子成分: A. 用作Subject: e.g. My family is now in the country. B. 用作 Object: e.g. We love our motherland. C. 用作 Predicative Subjective complement: e.g. She was taken for a fool. D. 用作 Objective complement: e.g. They ca


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