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内 容 摘 要 民间金融对我国经济的发展贡献突出,很好地弥补了正规金融的不足,促进了民营经济的发展。然而长期以来,我国一直缺乏民间金融的专门法律法规对其加以监管及引导,民间金融活动也产生了巨大风险,很大程度上影响了金融市场的稳定。因此,民间金融活动一直受到政府的压制。当前金融抑制的现状,不仅无益发挥金融深化、金融发展对经济发展的促进作用,而且在很大程度上迫使民间金融长期处于“地下经营”,蕴藏了大量的金融风险。民间金融该何去何从,应该怎样对它进行规制,成为亟待解决的现实问题。 本文从我国经济、金融的现实状况分析入手,共分四个部分进行论证。第一章主要讨论民间金融存在的合理性及我国民间金融发展的现状;第二章从完善民间金融监管制度的理论基础出发,论述民间金融法律监管的必要性;第三章中对民间金融监管法律制度的现状进行了分析,我国虽没有专门的法律制度对民间金融进行监管,但对民间金融的态度却是非常明确的,即严格管制;第四章阐述了民间金融监管法律制度构建的基本思路和具体措施。允许民间金融进入金融市场进行公平竞争和自由交易,同时加强监管,防止其对整个金融秩序和国家经济安全造成破坏要适当加强监管。 在上面四章的基础上,得出这样的结论:我国应当在完善民间金融监管立法,通过建立民营金融机构的基础上,使民间金融正规化;民间金融正规化之后,在放松管制、加强监管的基本原则下,根据其特征,构建专门针对民间金融的监管法律制度。 关 键 词:民间金融;法律监管;配套制度 ABSTRACT Nongovernmental Finance has an outstanding dedication for the economic development of China .It accelerates the Nongovernmental Economy by compensating the insufficiency of Governmental Finance. But for a long time, an existing latent tremendous crisis for a lack of special regulations to guide its development is hanging over the financial market. Prohibition to the Nongovernmental Finance influences the financial deepening and development to accelerate the development of economy and its long-term underground operation is a great potential financial crisis. What courses will the Nongovernmental Finance follow, and how to regulate? It’s a real problem demanding prompt solutions. Separated into four parts, this article begins from the analysis of current economic and financial industry situation of China. In the first chapter the write analyzes the existence of Nongovernmental Finance and the Current Situation of Nongovernmental Finance in China. Based on the theories of Nongovernmental Financial Legal Supervision, the writer analyzes the necessity for perfecting regulations for the supervision of it in the second chapter. In the chapter 3, the writer analyzes the current situation of the regulations of Nongovernmental Finance. That is a lack of special regulations for supervision of Nongovernmental Finance, but a rigid control is the


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