拉冈如何读佛洛依德From Lacan to Freud .doc

拉冈如何读佛洛依德From Lacan to Freud .doc

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拉冈如何读佛洛依德From Lacan to Freud

拉岡如何讀佛洛依德 From Lacan to Freud 拉岡(Jacques Lacan,1901-1981)是法國心理分析界的重要人物,對歐陸的文化研究及臨床研究影響甚深,其對洛依德早期的理論特別注重洛依德的革命性以語言作為心理分析的基礎,精細閱讀洛依德文本,抽取文字的延伸性。從Lacan的原典閱讀中,細讀出Freud作品的絃外之音, 從而追問一個基本問題: 何謂分析經驗 ?國立學歷:法國國立巴黎第七大學精神病理學研究所博士Salpêtrière醫學院睡眠與精神醫學 經歷:—位於台灣師範大學圖書館校區旁邊) 【報名費用】 繳費類別 會 員 學 生 非會員 舊生 (第一~三季學員) 2,700元 2,700元 3,100元 新生 3,000元 3,000元 3,400元 單堂報名費用 300元/堂,可任選堂次。 02 傳真報名表後,請來電02機22或e-mail確認傳真是否成功,始完成報名手續。 【洽詢方式】 電話02-2392-3528 分機22 e-mail:tap79637@ 【簡章下載處】 網址:.tw 【課程表】日期 課程進度 課程大綱 7/15 回歸佛洛依德“Return to Freud” by Lacan?? A. What is the analytic experience for Lacan? B. The historical context in psychoanalytic movement between the two World Wars(1918-1939) C. Lacan as psychiatrist and his thesis of medical doctor(1932): “On the paranoid psychosis in its relations to the personality” 7/22 回歸佛洛依德“Return to Freud” by Lacan A. Lacan’s initial attempt(1936): phenomenological description of psychoanalytic experience B. Lacan’s critic of ego psychology in American psychoanalysis C. Dialectic of desire: Lacan’s reading of Hegel through Kojeve’s lecture(1933-1939) 7/29 回歸佛洛依德Why did Lacan insist upon re-examination of?Freuds discovery of the unconscious? A. Error and risk of viewing Freudian unconscious as objective reality B. Where is the unconscious? - Freuds Studies of Hysteria(1895) and other early works before 1900 C. Formations of the unconscious in Freud’s early works (1900-1905): dream, lapse and joke 8/5 回歸佛洛依德“The unconscious is structured like a language” A. Why and how did Lacan formulate Freudian unconscious in terms of language? B. Lacan’s reading of structural linguistics(Ferdinand de Saussure and Roman Jakobson) C. A brief introduction to Lacan’s Discourse of Rome(1953): “Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis” 8/12 回歸佛洛依德Problems of ego formation and Lacanian?distinction of the imaginary and the symbolic part I: historical context A. Why is it necessary to distinguish subject and ego in psychoanalysis?


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