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上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集 Schemes Soliciting of Conception Design for Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station ========================================================= 传真文件 Facsimile Transmission 日期 Date: 2005年9月8日 8th Sep 2005 致 To: 传真 Fax: 电话 Tel: 自 From: 铁道部工程设计鉴定中心 Engineering Design Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Railways 传 真: 86-10 电 话: 86-1086-10 关于 Re: 上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集 第次质疑/澄清 Pages: 1+7 上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计 第次质疑/澄清an the following contents concerned in《Soliciting Documents》be provided? The construction height limit of Hongqiao Airport Can the idea of magnetic suspension be proposed in the design scheme? Answer 1: (1) The construction height limit of Hongqiao Airport can be determined by each person solicited according to relevant regulations of the state. (2) The magnetic suspension scheme can be introduced to the fast line of the airport. 问题2 是否有地下道路迎宾一路的标高?(指相对海平面标高)它和地铁10号和2号线的关系是平行关系还是在地铁隧道上方?地铁隧道是否有标高? 答:地下道路迎宾一路及虹桥枢纽的轨道交通(2、10、13号线)仍在规划阶段,它们的关系请应征人分析确定。 Question 2: Is there the elevation of underground Yingbin Road No.1 (meant the height above sea level)? What is the location relationship of the Yingbin Road No.1 with subway Line No 10 and Line No.2? Is it in parallel or above the subway tunnel? Is there elevation for subway tunnel? Answer 2: The underground Yingbin Road No.1 and the rail communication (Lines No.2, Number10 and Line No.13) are still in the stage of planning; their relationship is to be analyzed and determined by the person solicited. 问题3 这条地下道路是否只连接机场和火车站?还是需要有连接通道到规划路或中春路?(我们觉得设置连接通道可能并不是理想。) 答:这条地下道路西接规划路和中春路。 Question 3: Does this underground road connect the airport and railway station only?Is it necessary to extend the connecting toad to Guihua Road or Zhongcun Road? Answer 3: This underground road connects Guihua Road and Zhongchun Road in the west. 问题4 到达的旅客如果需要在这里换乘其他火车,是利用设置在东西广场的售票大厅购票,还是要另外设置一个专门的售票厅和可以通往上面设置在高速列车站台和城际列车站台之间的候车大厅的通道?(第二种方法可以缩短换乘路线,但是会增大车站的体量


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