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Drucker on: How to be an Effective Leader 德鲁克论如何成为卓有成效的领导者 “Leadership” for Peter Drucker came from depths of reality not merely theory and experimentation 在德鲁克看来,“领导力”是从实践中经过深度挖掘而得出的,而不是仅从理论和实验中得出的。 The Purpose of Leadership 领导力的目的 To establish, revise and continually serve the mission of an organization to achieve results 确立、修订并不断服务于组织的使命和取得绩效而长期服务 Our question: How to institutionalize what Drucker has taught us about leadership? 问题:如何将德鲁克教导的领导力理论运用到组织中成为习惯? Wrong Approach Illustrated by actual question to Drucker from a VP of Human Resources: 从下面这个由一位人力资源副总裁向德鲁克问的问题中,我们可以看到一种错误的思考方式。 “My chairman wants me to organize a number of seminars on how one acquires charisma. What do I do?” “我的董事会主席让我组织一系列的研讨会来学习如何提升魅力,我应该怎么办?” I told her to go to a school to become a Powers Model ! 我告诉她去模特学校成为一个超级明星! Question assumes leadership is only a matter of attracting followers 他这个问题之所以问错了,就在于他假定了“领导力”仅仅是要吸引追随者 this question makes leadership a popularity contest 这个问题让领导力变成了一场追求声望的竞赛 Chrisma may be the undoing of leaders! 魅力可以毁灭领导者 Charismatic leaders may become inflexible—may be 魅力型的领导者可能变得固执 convinced of their infallibility 认为自己断无错误 unable to change 不能改变 Charisma does not guarantee effectiveness as a leader 魅力不能保证一个领导者的有效性 First test of leadership is “Purpose” 建立领导力的第一关是 “设立目标” If Purpose is wrong we will not have leadership we will have mis-leadership 如果目标不正确,我们得到的不是领导力,而是“误导力” First question—Purpose/Mission—then 先要问:目标/使命是什么?然后问: How should it be defined? 如何定义? What are its implications? 目标/使命背后的含义是什么? How do we make it effective? 我们如何让它卓有成效? If not done, person cannot lead 如果上述工作没有做,领导成为空谈 Drucker’s favorite mission statement-- Sears Roebuck in about 1917 德鲁克最喜爱的一个使命宣言是:西尔斯公司在1917年左右提出的使命: “It’s our function to be the informed and responsible buyer for the American farmer, and later on for the American middle class” 我们的职责是成为美国农民、以及将来的美国中产阶级,消息灵通并且负责任的采购商。 Julius Rosenwald shocked his merchants by saying your job is not selling, but buying! 朱利叶斯·罗森沃尔德说:“我们的工作不是销售,而是采购!


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