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药物治疗 降低LDL-C 首选: HMG-CoA 还原酶抑制剂(他汀类) 次选: 胆碱结合树脂或非诺贝特 提高HDL-C, 降低 TG 考虑选用贝特类和/或他汀类(烟酸相对禁忌) ADA. Diabetes Care. 1999;22:S56-S59. 控制多种因素 控制血压、微量白蛋白、血糖,脂质代谢紊乱对延缓肾病,视网膜病变和自主神经病变的发展均有效。 预 后 出现持续性蛋白尿后自然病程为5-7年。目前病程的中位数为16年(4-21年),35%死于ESRD。 * 我们再通过这张示意图回顾一下糖尿病肾病发展的病理生理过程。高血糖的定义是空腹血糖超过140mg/dl,餐后1小时血糖超过180mgldl。高血糖会介导多种多种危险因子:首先,血糖浓度升高使水分由细胞进入血浆,致使细胞外液和肾血流量增加,而肾脏的超负荷导致超滤过和肾单位的增生。其次,过量的葡萄糖能与各种血浆蛋白与膜蛋白相互作用,蛋白的种类包括:白蛋白,血红蛋白及一些胶原蛋白,从而导致基底膜的厚度和选择性的改变。其结果是白蛋白能够通过肾小球基底膜,蛋白尿产生。可见,肾小球超滤过是糖尿病肾病发生发展的关键因素之一。 * 4 4 15 幻灯3 在这个为期7年的研究中,比较了I型(胰岛素依赖型糖尿病[IDDM])(n=16)和II型(非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病[NIDDM]( n=16)糖尿病病人中糖尿病肾病的进展速率,对于这两种类型的糖尿病病人来说肾小球过滤(GFR)的恶化程度是相似的2。尽管肾病的进展程度相似,I型和II型糖尿病病人却代表着不同的人群:II型糖尿病病人具有年龄大,胰岛素抵抗和动脉粥样硬化性疾病的特征3-5。 * Proteinuria is an important (and modifiable) marker for the severity of the underlying renal disease, and an important predictor for progression to end-stage renal disease.1 Once a patient with type 2 diabetes develops proteinuria, the decline in renal function appears inevitable. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) declines at a rate of 4-12 mL/min/year.2,3,4 The magnitude of proteinuria is directly correlated with risk for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the rate of progression to renal failure.5,6 In addition, at any given level of proteinuria, the higher the blood pressure, the more detrimental is the effect of proteinuria on progression to renal failure. Registry data from Minnesota showed the median duration from onset of proteinuria to the development of ESRD in patients with type 2 diabetes to be 7 years.7 The cumulative incidence of chronic renal failure in type 2 diabetic patients who developed persistent proteinuria was 4.2% at 5 years, 10.7% at 10 years, and 16.8% at 15 years after the diagnosis of proteinuria. A longitudinal study among 364 Pima Indians found a cumulative incidence of end-stage renal disease of 40% at 10 years after and 61% at 15 years after the onset of proteinuria.8 The incidence of ESRD was significantly related to



