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经济简化型沸水堆—ESBWR 郭娟彦 (苏州热工研究院有限公司 江苏 苏州 215004) 摘要: 经济简化型沸水堆(ESBWR)是通用电气(GE)公司最新开发的沸水堆,其吸收了已有先进反应堆和简化型沸水堆的技术,采用非能动安全设计,大大简化了系统结构,并实现了经济规模,是沸水堆技术的一大发展。 ESBWR采用全自然循环,取消循环泵,堆芯上方设置烟囱增加驱动压头;缩短燃料长度,减少压降;采用控制棒微动电机和水力双重驱动,增加功率调节的机动性和停堆可靠性;使用大直径的压力容器,保证事故时堆芯淹没;非能动的安全壳冷却系统可去除冷却剂丧失事故中由堆芯衰变热产生的蒸汽;重力驱动冷却系统向反应堆提供低压补给水;隔离冷凝器去除堆芯衰变热。这些设计特点在增强系统性能的同时保证了足够的安全裕度。此外独有的一系列严重事故预防和缓解措施保证了ESBWR的安全性。 关键词:ESBWR 自然循环 非能动安全系统 Abstract: The Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) design is an evolutionary step in boiling water reactor design, which has major simplifying improvements drawn from features of Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR) and passive safety systems. In the ESBWR, the use of natural circulation has allowed the elimination of recirculation pumps. The use of chimney enhances the driving head for natural circulation flow. The use of shorter fuel results in a reduced core pressure drop. The control rods can be inserted either by hydraulically or electrically. Electronic fine movement control permits small power changes, improves power maneuvering and provides a high degree of assurance of rod insertion. Large vessel provides large water inventory, makes sure the water level always covers the core following an accident. The Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) provides containment decay heat removal. The low pressure inventory control system梩he Gravity Driven Cooling System (GDCS) can provide low pressure makeup water flows into the vessel by gravity. The isolation 自condenser system can transfer decay and residual heat from the reactor during and following transient events. All the features above result in a substantial enhancement of the overall plant performance with sufficient safety margins. Besides, 13 features are involved for severe accidents prevention and mitigation. Key words: ESBWR Natural circulation Passive safety system 前言 近十多年来,世界核电技术发展进程加快,核电站设计酝酿新的突破。目前,全世界有442台运行核电机组,另有9台机组正在建设之中。世界核电经历了从第一代到第四代


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