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第八章 土壤空气 soil air 一.土壤空气的组成特点 二.土壤的通气机制(soil aeration) 三.土壤通气性的指标 田间土壤通气性测定 四.土壤氧化还原电位(Eh) 五.土壤通气性与作物生长 土壤通气性调节 要关心剖面上土壤空气质量 主要参考期刊及网络: (1)安徽农业科学.安徽省农业科学院 (2)湖南农业科学. 湖南省农业科学院 (3)西南农业学报.四川省农业厅 (4)四川农业大学学报.四川农业大学 (5)华中蔬菜网. (6)中国天气网. / (7)中国绿色食品网. (8)中国气象台. / (9)中国土壤学会. / (10)土壤之家. / (11)土壤./ (12)中国化肥网. / (13)中国肥料信息网. /sfb/ (14)中国农资网. /huafei/ * 土壤空气组成有以下分方面的特点: 1.土壤空气中CO2近地层大气中CO2 (Carbon dioxide) 原因:(1)土壤有机物质的分解释放CO2 (2) 土壤中根系、微生物、土壤动物的呼吸释放CO2 (3)无机碳酸盐的分解CO2 研究土壤中co2释放与固定问题成为当今土壤科学发展的前沿领域!。 一.土壤空气的组成特点(soil air composition) 2.土壤空气中O2近地层大气中O2( oxygen) 原因:微生物和根系等土壤中生物呼吸消耗。 3.土壤空气中水汽压高于近地层大气中水汽压。土壤空气几乎为水气饱和的。 因为土壤湿度均在“最大吸湿量“之上。 4.土壤空气中有少量的还原性气体(恨量气体)。特别是土壤通气不良时,含有CH4、H2S、H2、N2O、C2H6、PH3、CS2等还原性气体和温室效应气体。大气中这些还原性气体少。 Soil Air the part of ground air that is in the soil and is similar to the air of the atmosphere but depleted in oxygen content and enriched in carbon dioxide. Alternatively, the gaseous phase of soil is called soil air. In a completely dry soil most of the pores are filled with air. As the soil water content increases the amount of air in the soil decreases. The composition of air in an well-aerated soil is close to the composition of atmospheric air, as the oxygen consumed in the soil by plants and micro-organisms is readily replaced from the atmosphere. However, in a poorly aerated soil, the composition of air differs from the atmospheric air. 一.土壤空气的组成特点 Two important gases in soil air are carbon dioxide and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is produced as a by-product of plant root respiration and biological activity. Oxygen is consumed in the soil by the same processes, and plant roots require oxygen to function normally. For most plant species, transaction of oxygen from the leaves to the roots is not adequate to supply oxygen at the required rate. Hence, plant roots must supplement oxygen supply from soil air. As a result oxygen is depleted from soil air. Oxygen content in soil air is replenished by oxygen from


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