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The Relationship between Language and Culture 百里挑一 A. One in a hundred B. One in a thousand C. One in a million Childs play 儿戏 A dialectical relationship between language and culture It is impossible to separate the use of a language from the culture in which the language is deeply embedded. The interwoven relationship between language and culture has a dual sense 1.Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Language helps in communication with people from different background. 2.Language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. Cultural literacy is necessary in order to understand the language being used. If your foreign friend spent much time to help you to solve your problem. In China, we maybe say “对不起,浪费了你这么多宝贵的时间”. So can you translate it into “I’m sorry to have wasted much of your precious time”? Why and what shall we say? Language reflects the environment in which we live. We label things that are around us. Language also reflects culture values. Language is a mirror of culture, because language reflects human relationships, reflects the way the society operates. Language not only serves as a mechanism for communication, but as a guide to social reality. Dog eats dog 狗咬狗  Love me, love my dog.(爱屋及乌); a top dog (优胜者,左右全局的人); a gay dog(快活人); a sea dog(老练水手); a water dog (水性好的人); to help a lame dog over a stile(助人于为难) You are a lucky dog.(你真幸运) Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.(宁为鸡头,勿为牛后) 你的朋友发生了什么不幸的事,或你很理解朋友的困难处境,你或许会说:“我真的很同情你。”对方听了以后一定感到很宽慰。 可是在类似的情况下你对英美朋友说I really sympathize with you, 对方肯定不会感到宽慰,反而会有一种反感,Who are you? Why should I need your sympathy? (你算老几?我为什么要你来同情?) 西方人讲究实现人生的价值,讲究独立的人格,人与人之间强调平等。他们最反感的是两种态度,一是对方condescending,摆出一幅屈尊俯就的架势,乃至居高临下,把自己当作救世主;另一个就是imposing,强加于人,显得颐指气使,强加给别人。而I sympathize with you客观上就会给人一种高高在上的态度。如果换一种口吻,说You have my sympathy,对方听了就会好受的多。 中国菜谱翻译成西方菜谱的错误例子 “四喜丸子”翻译成“四个高兴的肉团”(Four glad meatballs) “猴魁茶”翻译成


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