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Deleted: An EAP which offers the services recommended in the core technology may be organized in different ways. EAP提供的服务基于核心技术,服务组织方式有许多种。 Structure 结构 Sponsorship 资助者 Service Components 服务成份 Level of integration 与其它相关服务的集成程度 with related services Deleted: An EAP which offers the services recommended in the core technology may be organized in different ways. EAP提供的服务基于核心技术,服务组织方式有许多种。 Structure 结构 Sponsorship 资助者 Service Components 服务成份 Level of integration 与其它相关服务的集成程度 with related services Moved up to EACC and added “job performance” – makes more sense that way Moved up to EACC and added “job performance” – makes more sense that way Confidential and timely problem identification / assessment services for employee clients with personal concerns that may affect job performance; 3. 针对可能影响工作表现的个人问题,为员工客户提供保密、及时的问题识别、测评服务 EAP Core Services EAP核心服务 4. Use of constructive intervention, motivation, and short-term counseling with employee clients to address problems that affect job performance; 4. 针对可能影响工作表现的问题,向员工客户提供建设性的干预、激励和短期咨询; EAP Core Services EAP核心服务 Referral of employee clients for diagnosis, treatment, and assistance, as well as case monitoring and follow-up services; 5. 对员工客户实施诊断、治疗、帮助、个案监督和跟踪服务方面的转介; EAP Core Services EAP核心服务 6. Assisting work organizations in establishing and maintaining effective relations with treatment and other service providers, and in managing provider contracts; 6. 协助工作单位建立和维护与治疗以及其他方面的供应商有效关系,管理供应商合同。 EAP Core Services EAP核心服务 7. Consultation to work organizations to encourage availability of and employee access to health benefits covering medical and behavioral problems including, but not limited to, alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental and emotional disorders; 7. 为工作单位提供咨询,鼓励采购和员工使用健康福利,包括医疗和行为问题,这些问题包括但不局限于嗜酒、药物滥用、心理和情绪问题。 EAP Core Services EAP核心服务 8.Evaluation of the effects of EA services on work organizations and individual job performance. 8.评估员工帮助


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