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I. Objective Questions 1. Specific and ad valorem duties are best suited for a standardized goods and goods with a wide range of variations, respectively. b goods with a wide range of variations and standardized goods, respectively. c standardized goods. d goods with a wide range of variations. 2. The burden of an import duty on the exporter will be greater when a the importing country is small. b there are many domestically produced substitutes for the product in the importing country. c the exporting country can easily find alternative markets for the product. d there are few domestically produced substitutes for the good in the importing country. 3. If the domestic price of a good rises by the full extent of a tariff we can infer a the importing country is large. b the importing country is small. c the government does not earn any revenue from the tariff. d consumption will increase after the tariff is imposed. 4. Which of the following is not true of import duties a they have an inflationary effect on the importing countrys economy. b they redistribute income in the importing countrys economy. c they encourage monopoly power in the importing country. d they lead to lower prices for consumer goods. 5. An import duty may not improve a countrys trade balance if a unemployment rates are high. b there is a large amount of unused capacity in domestic industry. c a large trading partner retaliates with a tariff. d import demand is highly elastic. 6. Suppose there is a 10% import duty on pocket calculators, but no import duty on the components used in their manufacture. If domestic calculator manufacturers use 75% imported parts, then the effective protective rate of the tariff is a 40%. b 10%. c 2.5%. d 7.5%. 7. The effective protective rate on a product will exceed the nominal rate on the product if a the nominal tariff on the product is higher than the nominal tariff on inputs. b the nominal tarif


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