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高考英语语法填空专题复习 一、语法填空考点 在备考中学生一定要明确必考点在解题过程中才能快速地给出最佳答案提高解题能力。 1、纯空格题介词、冠词、代词、连词包括并列连词和从句引导词等 2、给出动词题谓语动词包括时态和语态、非谓语动词、词性变化变为形容词、名词等形式 3、给出其他词类题词性变化变为形容词、副词、名词、动词等形式或变为比较级及最高级 二、语法填空的正确解题步骤是 1、浏览全文把握语篇 2、边读边填先易后难 3、验证复查清除难点。 三、语法填空解题技巧―由大到小‖  1、通读全文、了解大意、把握特征、弄清文脉。 2、巧用已知连线画图、降低难度、铺平道路。 3、理解句意、分析结构、大胆猜测、各个击破 。 4、重读全篇、仔细核查、语法正确、语意贯通。 5、拼写正确、书写规范、大小写准确注意三写。 一、纯空格试题的解题技巧。 首先分析句子结构确定填哪类词。然后再根据句子的意思确定具体填什么词或根据两句间的逻 辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。确定填哪类词有以下7个技巧 技巧1缺主语或宾语一定是填代词 (多考查代词)。 1. The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city. 2. If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on _____ . 3. You are a team star! Working with_______ is really your cup of tea. 4. We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found ______ we like yet. 5 Jack and Mary both bought a camera yesterday. But his camera is more expensive than_____. Keys: 1 that 2 ourselves 3 others 4 one 5 hers 技巧2名词前面若没有限定词 (冠词、形容词性物主代词、不定代词)很可能是填限定词。如 1. It’s _____ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure 2. If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we’ll have _______ better view. 3. The visitors here are impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for_ new Jiangsu. 4 His is such a united family that the villagers all admire it. 5 --- Are you going to buy the blue shoes? --- No, I like those red ones over there. 6 The street is beautiful, for there are trees on either side. Keys: 1a 2 the, a 3 a 4 such 5 those 6 either 技巧3句子不缺主语、表语、动词后不缺宾语的情况下名词或代词前面一定是填介词。 1. Modern English came ______ being from about the end of 16th century. 2. Now I teach my players to have respect _____ other people and their possessions 3. One advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar _____ the exhibits 4. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ whom she cou


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