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转变干部作风加强机关行政效能建设剖析材料 1、加强思想教育,在转变变工作作风上下功夫 一是是加强思想教育,树立公仆意意识。要时刻牢记自己是一名名政府工作人员,是人民的公公仆,要坚决克服“官本位””的思想,克服“高高在上””的思想,二是要提高工作效效率。在残疾人最不满意的工工作环节改起,从残疾人最关关切的利益做起,在消除推来来扯皮、效率低下等不良风气气上动真格,见实效。三是要要大兴务实之风。坚决克服形形式主义、官僚主义,坚持重重实际、说实话、务实事、求求实效。四是密切与基层残联联及残疾人的关系。要深入开开展与残疾人的“心连心”活活动,为基层残联和残疾人解解决实际问题。 2、加强强学习培训,在提高干部素质质和业务工作能力上下功夫 要在提高残联干部综合素素质和业务工作能力上下功夫夫,把干部队伍建设作为提高高xx机关行政效能的着力点点。一是解决干部职工的思想想认识和观念问题。通过学习习,进一步深刻认识转变干部部作风、加强行政机关效能建建设的重要性,切实提高 at various levels to guide the work of the office and communication, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by the basic spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of official documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to high standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the drafting of the draft work, strict document drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the text, and the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish the draft document presentation system research, adhere to the practice, especially the drafting of important days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript. A manuscript quality appraisal system, the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establish a reward system to reward the outstanding manuscript selection out, the wrong investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two) strict master document quality. Strengthening document quality awareness, efforts in the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strict policy documents audit, content, forma


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