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绿色联盟 健康的土地=健康的食物=健康的人 Healthy soil=healthy food=healthy people 谢 谢!Thank you! 社区支持农业在中国CSA in China 绿色农副产品营销平台 绿色食品个性营销 背 景Background1、食品不安全问题food safty problemes 三聚氰胺事件 Melamine??baby milk 瘦肉精事件 lean meat powder 食品添加剂…… food additives 背后本质是快速工业化和城市化 Fast Industrialization and Urbanlization 现代化大城市推进中产阶级去城市化 over modernized city with slum push mid class de-urbanizationThe growth of China’s middle class is driving an expansion of interest in ‘green’ and sustainable food, food that is perceived to be healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly. 2008年社科院报告23%中产阶级。 水泥的森林,柏油的沙漠,与大资本扩张同步进行;贫富差别严峻……capital cement jungle 中国6千年的灌溉农业文明历史6000 Yrs’ Irrigation Agricultural History in China Every household has no more than half an acre. 左图释:14世纪绘制的辘轳汲水灌溉图(引自元·王祯《农书》)用辘轳可以取用较深的地下水灌溉。由于井水水温较低,不适于作物生长,因此还要经过蓄水池的晾晒以提高水温后,才由渠道进入农田。 灌溉农业文明的典范:公元前256年蜀郡守李冰主持修建了都江堰 Dujiangyan system built up in 256 BC, Irrigated 1000 hr now 2010年《第一次全国污染源普查公报》农业污染占全国面缘污染的接近一半Agricultural pollution contributed almost half of the total pollution in China 添加剂和化肥的过量使用导致食品中有毒重金属含量超标,例如汞、 铅、镉、铬等;当人们食用含镉的稻米和饮用含镉水时引起慢性镉中毒。临床症状表现为骨质疏松、全身疼痛、四肢弯曲。生化指标表现为尿中低分子蛋白增多、尿糖改变。铅污染易导致妇女受孕异,常导致死胎、畸形儿和智力低下 Excessive use of additives and chemical fertilizer has caused the exceeding standard of toxic heavy metal in food, for example mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.; When people eat rice containing cadmium and drink water containing cadmium it can cause chronic cadmium poisoning. The clinic demonstration is osteoporosis, general pain, and limb bending. The biochemical indexes showed an increase of low molecular protein in urine and urine sugar changes. Lead pollution can easily induce women abnormal pregnant, often causing dead birth, deformity fetus and fetus of mental retardation * 生态农业与环保农业 Eco-agriculture and environment protection agriculture 购销合作社与互助金融 Supply and marketing cooperative and mutual-aid finance 老年、妇女协会 The Aged and Women Association 截止到目前,中国人民大学乡村建设中心参与建设的市县级的乡村建设试验区就经达到10