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光学专业英语50句翻译 effects of angular momentum on a dielectric and on the quantum properties of orbital angular momentum. 在这个研究领域,这个研究组主要集中在电介质中的角动量的机械效应和轨道角动量的量子属性。? 2.??? Experimental realization of entanglement have been restricted to two-state quantum systems. In this experiment entanglement exploiting the orbital angular momentum of photons, which are states of the electromagnetic field with phase singularities (doughnut modes). 纠缠的实验认识还只停留在二维量子系统。在这实验中,利用了光子的轨道角动量的纠缠是具有相位奇点(暗中空模式)的电磁场的状态。? 3. Laguerre Gaussian modes with an index l carry an orbital angular momentum of per photon for linearly polarized light that is distinct from the angular momentum of the photons associated with their polarization 对线偏振光来说,具有因子l的LG模式的每个光子能携带 的轨道角动量,这是与偏振态相关的光子的角动量是截然不同的。? 4. This opens up a practical approach to multi-dimensional entanglement where the entangled states do not only consist of two orthogonal states but of many of them. We expect such states to be of importance for the current efforts in the field of quantum computation and quantum communication. 它打开了一条通往多维纠缠态切实可行的通道,这纠缠态不仅存在于二维正交态中而且存在于多维正交态中。我们预料这纠缠态对于我们在量子计算和量子通信这个领域的努力是极其重要的? 5. Given the experimental verification of the {orbital angular momentum conservation} one may expect to find entanglement between the two photons produced in the conversion process. Further experimental results show that the two-photon state goes beyond classical correlation and indeed we were able to prove the entanglement for photon states with phase singularities. 轨道角动量转换这个实验确认,人们可能发现纠缠存在于转换过程中的被诱导的两个光子中.进一步实验结果确认这两个光子的状态可能不存在经典的联系,我们确实能够证明具有相位奇点光子状态的纠缠。 ?6. The wave front (top) and the intensity pattern (bottom) of the simplest Laguerre Gauss ( ) or doughnut mode. The index l is referred to as the winding number and (p+1) is the number of radial nodes. The customary Gaussian mode can be viewed as LG mode with l=0. 最基本的LG( )和暗中空模式的波前(上)和强度图形(下)。L是径向回转数,p+1是径向波节数。普通的LG模可看作l=0的LG模。 ?7. The handedness of the helical wave fronts of the LG mod


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