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特殊形貌镍氧化物纳米粒子的制备 摘 要 本文主要阐述了一种新的制备β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶的及其表面改性的途径。本文改变以往用以水为介质的传统做法,采用乙醇为反应介质,以浓氨水、NaOH来使Ni2+离子沉淀,在水热条件下得到了尺寸均一,微观形貌可控β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶;然后利用种子乳液聚合的方法对这些特殊形貌的纳米晶进行表面改性。即以β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶作为乳液聚合的晶种,使苯乙烯在其表面进行聚合,通过控制聚合时间,在体系中引入甲基丙烯酸,最终得到表面富含羧基的β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶/聚苯乙烯纳米复合物。表面改性极大扩展了β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶的应用范围。 透射电境结果表明,用乙醇为反应介质,以浓氨水、NaOH来使Ni2+离子沉淀,可以在水热条件下得到了尺寸均一,微观形貌可控β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶;产物在乙醇溶剂中的较好的分散性直观表明了复合物表面已经引入亲水性基团;紫外可见吸收光谱、红外光谱分析进一步证明了我们已经实现了β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶/聚苯乙烯纳米复合物的表面羧基化,而且不是简单的物理混合。X射线衍射结果也有力地证明了β- Ni(OH)2纳米晶的表面已经实现了有机化。 :纳米晶β- Ni(OH)2,特殊形貌种子聚合功能化 PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Ni (OH) 2 NANOPARTICLES WITH SPECIAL MORPHOLOGY ABSTARACTS This article mainly expatiate on a new method of preparing β-Ni(OH) 2 nanocrystals and realizing their surface modification. The traditional way of using water as medium is replaced by using ethanol. Strong aqua ammonia and NaOH are used to settle Ni2+ ions. On hydrothermal condition β-Ni (OH) 2 nanocrystals in one size and their microcosmic topography can be controlled. Then the surface modification of these nanocrystals with special topography can be realized by means of seed emulsion polymerization. To be exact, β- Ni (OH) 2 nanocrystals are used as seed crystal of emulsion polymerization and cinnamene is made to polymerize on the surface. Methacrylic acid is then introduced to the system according to our control of the polymerizing procedure and at last β-Ni(OH)2 nanocrystals (polystyrene nm-complexus) which surface is rich in carboxyl are obtained. The surface modification expands the applied range of β-Ni (OH) 2 nanocrystals to a large extent. The result of transmission electron microscopy indicates that by using ethanol as medium and using strong aqua ammonia and NaOH to settle Ni2+ ions, on hydrothermal condition, β-Ni(OH)2 nanocrystals in one size and of which microcosmic topography can be controlled. The products’ good dispersivity in ethanol solvent shows directly that hydrophilic radical have already been introd


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