2008年科招生考试·英语试题 - 答案.doc

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2008年科招生考试·英语试题 - 答案

金 陵 协 和 神 学 院 2008年本科招生考试·英语试题 注意: 本试卷共16页,请将1-80题的选择答案填到答题表中 第一部分:阅读理解(共20题,每题1.5分,满分30) Passage 1 Residents are careful about opening their doors. Adults keep watch on street corners before children are allowed out. They are not looking for ghosts but for polar bears. People in Churchill call their town “the polar bear capital of the world”. Churchill is on the route that polar bears take when they migrate (定期迁栖). During the fall, about 200 polar bears wander through Churchill. The male bears are on their way to hunt seals on the shore of Hudson Bay, 35 miles east of Churchill. The females head for an open area 50 miles south of Churchill, where they have their cubs. It’s not surprising that some bears choose to stay in Churchill. Like the brown bears in U.S. national parks, polar bears will eat almost anything. They often enjoy a meal at the town dump in Churchill. They sniff around cabins and parked cars. Anything a polar bear wants, it usually gets. Polar bears are among the largest animals on land A full-grown male can weigh more than 1,600 pounds. Few people have been killed by polar bears, however. Those in the wild rarely attack humans if they are not bothered. The most popular way of getting rid of the bears in Churchill is to drive the animals out of town with horns, sirens, or the noise of harmless explosives. When the bears get too threatening, scientists may sometimes drug them, put them in cages, and fly them to open areas several hundred miles from Churchill. Some of the same bears always show up in Churchill again a week later. They have had to travel 30 miles a day to get there. 1. Polar bears spend time in Churchill every fall because __________. A) they have learned that there is food in the town B) they want to have their cubs in Churchill C) the residents of the town are friendly D) they are attracted by the brown bears 2. Which of these makes a polar bear especially dangerous? A) Its speed. B) Its size.


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