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How to give advice----writing

Review 我们怎么才能成为好的学习者? 通过和朋友一起合作 制作单词卡片 读课文/英语杂志/英文报纸 听磁带/英文歌曲/广播 向老师寻求帮助 写英语日记 看英文电影 记笔记 造句 … How to give advice Sb should do sth … Try to do/not to do sth. You’d better do sth… You can do … It is a good/great idea to do … The best way to learn… is … … and … may help you a lot. Why not do sth? Why don’t you do sth? what/how about doing sth? If you do this, you will… Useful sayings Practice makes perfect. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事尽成。 Look for the old so as to learn the new. 温故而知新 * By +doing sth Work with friends Make word cards Read textbook/English magazines/English newspapers Listen to tapes/ songs/radios Ask the teacher for help Keep diaries in English Watch English movies Take notes Make sentences How can we become good learners? Use the following expressions to help you: There are three good ways to … I think you should ... If you do this, you will ... It is also a good idea to ... because ... You could try to improve your English by ... This will help you to ... 3b Write a letter to your friend. Give him /her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in 3a. It’s very important for us to learn …well.There are three good ways to … I think you should ... If you do this, you will ... It is also a good idea to ... because ... You could try to improve your English by ... This will help you to ... I hope …. Beginning Body Ending 根据提示内容写一篇题为“ How to be a good learner” 的作文。要求: 必须用上提示内容,语句通顺,书写规范。 词数80左右。 提示:habit, way; get ready, listen; go over, homework; study in groups, help each other; work hard, do sports… 自我练习 We should read aloud to practice our p_____________. As teachers, we must be p_______ with our students. 3. He is careless, so he always makes many m________ in his homework. 4. Listening to the teacher carefully is the s_______ to becoming a good language learner. 5. I’ve learned a lot of k


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