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文化渗透:渗透文化常识与知识 玛士撒拉,圣经中的人物,据传享年969岁,代指长寿的人或物。 Methuselah The burger is as old as Methuselah. Methuselah Gene 长寿基因 Living to the age of 100 may depend, in part, on possessing the right DNA. Dutch scientists studied the genetic make-up of centenarians and concluded that a tiny mutation, or the “Methuselah” gene, gives extra protection against the diseases of old age. These genes are extremely rare, with only one person in 10,000 reaching the age of 100. Pygmalion Effect Frankenstein Food Basic Words Equator 赤道 Prime Meridian 本初子午线 Mediterranean Sea 地中海 Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle 北极圈,南极圈 Line of Longitude, Line of Latitude 经线,纬线 Tropic of Cancer,Tropic of Capricorn 北回归线,南回归线 Events that Shaped the History of English 1. The Roman Conquest----400 years 2. The Anglo-Saxon Settlement 3. The Scandinavian/Viking Invasion 4. The Norman Conquest----400 years 5. Standardization:the Great Vowel Shift 6. Colonization and Globalization A Timeline of the History of the English Language Ethnocentrism 民族中心主义 The Gift of the Magi --OHenry 复习与测验 property developers 房地产发展商 child abduction and woman trafficking 拐卖儿童和贩卖妇女 the Beijing Film Academy Shanghai Conservatory of Music 北京电影学院,上海音乐学院 lean meat powder melamine 瘦肉精,三聚氰胺 panic buying craze 恐慌性购物风靡 staggered working hours 错峰上下班 down payments 首付 strengthen mediation at the grassroots level 加强基层的调节作用 media hype 媒体炒作 European sovereign debt crisis 欧洲主权债务危机 a metrosexual man 型男 al-Qaida organization 基地组织 Cerebrovascular and heart diseases 心脑血管疾病 equality, fraternity and libertyt 平等博爱自由 he China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development 中国扶贫发展协会 school’s ethos: self-discipline and social commitment 校训, 自强不息,厚德载物 报章题材的选择 必讲: BUZZ OPINION 选讲: HOTSHOTS FOCUS Society lifestyle Campus Career Extra-credit Vibe 教学特点 结合学生学习实际,在教学中体现了报刊教学课程的扩充学生知识面,提高学生思辨能力和创新能力,综合运用英语技能的教学理念。 重点让学生关注国内外大事,提高学生获得信息和新知识的能力、拓宽学生跨文化视野、提高分析和思辨能力。 教学中利用多媒体揉入听说读写译多种技能,强调学生的互动与参与,课后的复习和联系,从而多维度提高教学效率,为培养


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