九上Topic 3 The world has changed for the better幻灯片.pptVIP

九上Topic 3 The world has changed for the better幻灯片.ppt

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Learning Aims 1.Go on learning the present perfet tense with since and for and the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense. 2.Learn the word formation of compounds. Guide one 仔细观察2a,同桌互相讨论,并说出 这两个句子的区别。(3分钟) Bobby left the park two hours ago/at 8 o’clock. Bobby has been away from the park since 8 o’clock/for two hours. Guide two 仔细观察时间轴,学习一般过去时中短暂 性动词和现在完成时中延续性动词的转换。 并注意一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。 (5 minutes) Exercise two 短暂性动词 延续性动词 come -------- leave -------- get to know -------- die -------- buy -------- begin -------- borrow -------- marry -------- catch a cold -------- close -------- join -------- fall ill -------- Exercise three 你能写出下列句子的同意句吗? 1.Ann borrowed a book a week ago. =Ann has ____ a book_____a week ago. =Ann has———a book_____ a week. 2.My uncle joined the Party last year. =My uncle has ___ ___ the Party _____ last year. =My uncle has _____ ___ ____ ______ the Party_______ one year. Guide three 学习构词法-------------合成法 思考题 现在完成时不能和短暂性动词连用,对吗? 自学指导 .听P19录音,理解大意,并回答理解性问题。对于后进生难以回答的可以找好的帮忙。 1b Work alone Fill in the blanks according to 1a. According to the conversation above, we know there is a wonderful program that helps people in Canada. The program not only good food, and nice houses for the homeless people, but also them in order to help them again. Thanks to the program, the homeless people feel about themselves. 自学指导(二) 1.朗读P19对话,理解对话的深层含义,并把不懂的语言点、句子结构、语法现象做上标记。 2.四人一小组进行讨论、交流、合作学习。 Notes 1.How do you like living there? =What do you think of living there? e.g.How do you like playing football now?=What do you think of playing football? 2.as a matter of fact =in fact * (录音) 1 1.继续学习含有since 和for的现在完成时,进一步了解 现在完成时与一般过去时 的区别。 e.g. I have been in the new school for two weeks. for a week last week present past for + 时间段 e.g. Lily has been away from home si


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