牛津高中英语 M1U3 Project(公开课) .ppt

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牛津高中英语 M1U3 Project(公开课)

1. Talking about different methods for teenagers to keep fit. 2. To learn to use some useful phrases and sentence patterns. Students who did a good job in this part: Can you find your name? 1.way of life 2. along with 3.regular exercise 4.in the long term 5.go on a diet 6.skip meals 7.keep fit 8.at least 9.give up 10.have no time left 11.feel relaxed 12.concentrate on 13.a good amount of 14.prepare sb for sth 15.the day to come 16.as a matter of fact 17.cause sb to do sth 18.gain weight 19.follow the suggestions 20.in no time Students who did a good job in this part: Can you find your name? Students who did a good job in this part: Can you find your name? (2). Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Half of all teenagers often go on a diet to lose weight. B. Teenagers need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. C. Teenagers should spend at least 2.5 hours exercising every week. D. You will feel better months later if you eat healthily and exercise regularly. (5). Which of the following is correct according to the article? A. Teenagers often have a headache. B. Dieting and skipping meals are good ways to control weight. C. Loss of sleep can make you gain weight. D. Boys usually need more water than girls. 1.regular exercise 2.in the long term 3.feel relaxed 4.concentrate on 5.a good amount of 1.prepare sb for sth 2.the day to come 3.as a matter of fact 4.follow the suggestions 5.in no time 2) So +do(助动词、be动词或情态动词)+主语,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适用于后面的人或物. Eg: ① I have seen the film.___________(他也看过) ②He is a student.__________ (你也是) ③ You can speak English._________ (我也会). 注意1) 若表示前面的否定情况也使用于后面的人或物,句型是:Neither/Nor+do(助动词、be动词或情态动词)+主语. Eg: ④ She didn’t watch TV yesterday. ________________________ (我也没看) 2) 结构 It is the same with +n./ pron =So it is with +n./ pron 表示上述综合的情况(肯定和否定的混合或没有统一的助动词)也适用于后一句。 Eg: ⑤He works hard, and he is good at his lessons. _____________________ (你也是) ⑥--She wor


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