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Donald was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. Miss Davis felt greatly flattered when she received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 唐纳德说这位先生是他所见到过的最有胆识的人,这种阿谀奉承未免过于露骨。 戴维斯小姐接到去作演讲的邀请时, 感到非常荣幸。 Translation Techniques Diction (II) Contents I. Methods of Translating a Given Word II. Translation Practice I. Methods of Translating a Given Word 3.1 Varying with Different Collocations 3.2 Varying with Different Contexts 3.3 From General to Specific 3.4 From Specific to General 2.1 Varying with Collocation In actual translation, we don’t translate independent words, but words combining into sentences and texts. Besides grammar rules, the combination of words is often conventional. Habitual Collocations Merry Christmas / Happy Christmas Happy New Year / *Merry New Year black coffee / *brown coffee 红糖 brown sugar / *red sugar / *black sugar 红茶 black tea/ *red tea 学习知识 acquire knowledge/ *learn knowledge 学习成绩 academic records / *study scores English and Chinese often have different habitual collocations, so one word may and sometimes has to be translated differently in different collocations. heavy traffic heavy load heavy blow heavy food heavy taxes heavy smoker V. (phrase) + N. play tennis play chess play football play the violin play the flute play the piano 渡过河流 cross a river 渡过难关 tide over/ get over/ overcome one’s difficulties 提出问题 提出申请 提出辞呈 提出警告 V. / N. / Adj. + Prep. Introduction solution impact advantage 他们请我吃鱼。 They treated me with fish. 这台机器靠电运转。 This machine runs by electricity. 他上衣里穿了件毛衣。 He wore a sweater inside his coat. 印尼于1990年与中国恢复了外交关系。 Indonesia restored diplomatic relations with China in 1990. 他只好向消费者协会投诉。 He could not but file a complaint to


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