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968. A vessel not under command sounds the same fog signal as a vessel ________ A. engaged in从事 towing B. constrained被限制 by her draft C. under sail D. All of the above 根据避碰规则第35条第3款规定:失去控制的船舶、 操纵能力受到限制的船舶、限于吃水的船舶、帆船、 从事捕鱼的船舶,以及从事拖带或顶推他船的船舶, 应以每次不超过 2 分钟的间隔连续鸣放三声,即一 长声继以二短声,以取代本条 1 或 2 款规定的声号。 969. When a vessel is aground, ________ A. she is underway B. she is not underway C. whether she is underway cannot be determined D. she might be or not be underway 避碰规则第3条:9.“在航”一词,指船舶 不在锚泊、系岸或搁浅。 970. A proper look-out shall be maintained ________ A. only at night B. only during restricted visibility C. at night and during restricted visibility D. at all times 971. A vessel is not underway when ________ A. the anchor is dragging(失控)走 B. the anchor is used in docking进船坞 C. the anchor is dredging(在控)拖 D. she is at anchor but yawing heavily严 重艏摇 972. According to the Rules, a vessels length is her ________ A. length between the perpendiculars垂直 线 B. length along the waterline C. length overall总长 D. registered注册length 避碰规则第3条第10款规定:船舶的“长度”和“宽度”是 指其总长度和最大宽度。 973. In radar plotting C. P. A. is the abbreviation of ________ A. closest point to approach最小会遇距离 B. close point to approach C. crossing point to approach D. coming point to approach 974. The outer limit外边界of the Traffic Separation Schemes分道通航制is _______ adjustment as necessary必要时to comply with遵守 the port regulations. A. subjecting B. subject C. subjected D. subject to受限于 一般情况下,subject 后面 跟介词 to 975. Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way通航权 in a fog? ________ A. Both vessels B. Neither vessel C. The vessel on portside D. The vessel on starboard side 避碰规则第19条:船舶在能见度不良时的行动规则: 每一船舶应以适应以适合当时能见度不良的环境和 情况的安全航速行驶,机动船应将机器作好随时操 纵的准备。 976. Which vessel may sound the danger signal? ________ A. The stand-on直航 vessel in a crossing situation交叉相遇局面 B. The give-way让路 vessel i


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