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Unit 1 E-Business Basics Words and Expressions: 1、Sophisticated:非常复杂精密或尖端的 2、Navigation:航海,航空,导航,领航,航行 3、Non-linear:非线性的 4、Chronologically:按年代顺序排列地 5、Facilitate:使容易,使便利;推动,帮助,促进 6、Indigenous:本土的 7、Instantaneous:瞬间的,即刻的,即时的 8、Assess:估定,评定 9、Promote:促进,发扬,提升,提拨,晋升为 10、Implement :工具,器具;贯彻,实现 11、Leverage :杠杆作用;易债经营 Sentences: 1、You will be able to text your own e-business readiness and learn where to go for more information on getting started with e-business. 据此可以检验自己是否为开展电子商务准备就绪,以及从何处获取更多相关信息。 2、E-Business is about utilizing Internet technologies 梥uch as simple e-mail ,online banking solutions ,websites ,and more sophisticated applications such as wed梑ased customer relationship management solutions-to provide superior customer service ,streamline business processes,increase sales and reduce costs. 电子商务是利用互联网技术——如简单的电子邮件、在线银行解决方案、网站,以及更为复杂的解决基于网络的客户关系管理等问题的应用软件——来提供优良的客户服务、流线型业务流程,以及降低成本、增加销售。 3、A search engine is a website whose primary purpose is to provide a search function for gathering and reporting information available on the Internet. 搜索引擎是一个网站,它最初的目的是为收集和发布互联网上可用的信息提供一种搜索功能。 4、It gives you the ability to interact with your clients and customers in new ways ,putting power in the hands of the buyer ,giving your clients or customers more choice than they have ever had before. 它还能使你以一种新的方式同顾客和客户互相交流,即将权利转交给买主,给你的顾客和客户前所未有的多重选择。 5、The internet is a valuable research tool and ,as a readily accessible information medium ,its ability to allow you to remain competitive in your industry should not be under-estimated. 互联网是一种有价值的调查工具,作为能够快速容易地使用信息媒介,它对于你保持在本行业的竞争力有着不可低估的作用。 6、Further ,it can allow you to automate your order processing and order tracking capabilities , develop cheaper onlinte catalogues, and update your product lists on the fly. 此外,在线销售能使你的订单处理和订购追踪性能实现自动操作,开发费用更加低廉的在线目录和即使更新产品列表等。 7、the internet is an electronic communication network that allows computers around the world to talk to each other .any computer that is connect


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