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2. 推动中韩企业界的可持续发展交流与合作 Enhance communication and cooperation in sustainability between the Chinese and Korean business communities 3.与日本经团联合作推动中日工商业CSR对话 Hold China-Japan CSR dialogues together with Japan Business Federation 4.结合CBCSD及WBCSD相关项目积极发展与相关国家BCSD的交流与合作 Enhance communication and cooperation in WBCSD and CBCSD projects with other BCSDs within WBCSD regional network 2009年工作计划/Work Plan for 2009 五、其他相关活动 Ⅴ. Other Activities 1. 加强和充分发挥CBCSD作为工商业与政府积极沟通交流的平台和纽带作用 CBCSD will enhance its role as a platform for the communication and exchange between Chinese business community and the government. 2009年工作计划/Work Plan for 2009 2.积极参与或支持会员企业开展各项可持续发展项目及活动,以及可持续发展领域的各项论坛、项目及重要活动。 CBCSD will support member companies to carry out related activities and actively participate in these activities in the field of sustainable development, and participate in the international forums and significant activities in the field of sustainable development. 3.加强与国内、国际行业协会或组织的交流与合作。 CBCSD will enhance its communication and cooperation with Chinese and foreign industry association and other organizations. 2009年工作计划/Work Plan for 2009 报告完毕,请予审议。谢谢! This is all for today’s report. Thank you! * * 中国可持续发展工商理事会(CBCSD) 关于2008年工作回顾及2009年工作计划的报告 China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) Report on Work Review of 2008 and Work Plan for 2009 (二○○九年四月十五日) (Apr. 15, 2009) 中国可持续发展工商理事会执行会长 王基铭 Executive President of CBCSD Wang Jiming 2008年工作回顾 Work Review of 2008 一、召开CBCSD年度理事会和会员大会,积极发展会员 I. Convention of Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting Recruit of New Member Companies 1.理事会和会员大会 Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting 2008年1月23日 一届七次理事会 Jan. 23, 2008 the Seventh Session of the First CBCSD Executive Board Meeting 2008年4月10日 会员大会 Apr. 10, 2008 the Annual General Meeting 2008年工作回顾/Work Review of 2008 2.发展会员的工作 Member Company Recruitment 3


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