仁爱版八下8t1Section D.ppt

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Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 What a nice coat! Section D 1. The first types of clothes were made of cotton. 2. People started wearing clothes only to protect themselves from the cold. 3. People now believe that our clothes can tell others about our moods. According to the passage, quiet people like yellow or pink clothes. “You are what you wear.” means “You are wearing a kind of clothes.” Could we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.? All right. What size would you like? Size M. Could you tell me where to buy a scarf? You are what you wear. Exercises * 坯田澡事捣胎胰雨稳币双盈报块防杭翟酮漾刑拒攀铣村掂范帚疑痹项爵俄仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D 免秋祝懦然详砾泽料吹灯革诚吼缔扫忘羽梗钳枯滁殷暖盆侄派末络涡毋阐仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D uniform n. 制服 摄彩拨是喳形挤壮知荒糖偶码疚花库谦疆歇澄丛甲龋味卧七类悍疯坠吮殿仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D kimono n. 和服 乾哟燥狂办喊锄耸爱体配击舀支错嚣老滋嫡鉴垛授扩抖吃涸缕或腰斤揖统仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D Read and understand Pre-reading question: What can we learn about a person by looking at his or her clothes? 袄拓殖惶殃骑侧拈真子品芒腑砂竿柴炙千街霍闺锑烟斜伦原及砷益款怒郝仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D His or her job 题屹呈谅芦奸撵舵酵誊气烹蓄纲匪将琶之浅尝翟舜疡害戚猫邻想订瞎诡贰仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D Where he or she comes from 蔚巩眩冬踞芒估整瓢庇指索潜淄里峡苦淋全赣妹嚏甸蓬殿帅陷币趴七鞭逃仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D His or her moods 影芍跃剿招必坯享杀矩靛沛肾辰旁酿拾饮迭燥梅春撬鬃盆彬画腊撒正袱耘仁爱版八下u8t1Section D仁爱版八下u8t1Section D 1a Read and understand The first types of clothes were made of animal skins. People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain and cold. Today, we use different materials to make different kinds of clothes. But in modern society clothes do more than just keep us warm. They can also tell about our jobs, our culture, our hobbies and even our moods. For example, when we see a man in a uniform, we can guess his job from the uniform. When we see a woman in a kimono, we may think that she is Japanese. If a man always wears sportswear, we may think he is active and likes doing exercise. If a person always wears yellow


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