人教英语选8第三单元warming up and reading.ppt

人教英语选8第三单元warming up and reading.ppt

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Stephenson’s “Rocket” Work out the rules that will help you decide what a discovery is and what an invention is. Every inventor must go through some stages before they can have their invention approved? Here are the stages. Please put them in the suitable order. It seems (to sb.)that... It seems as if/ as though... There seems (to be ) …. habit 通常指个人经常性的行为 custom 一般指整个社会在一段时间里的 行为、风俗 practice 指惯例, 也指商业或者法律上的 常规做法。 原从句为主动结构时, 用when/while+现在分词来代替; 原句为被动结构时, 用 when /while+过去分词短语来代替。 2) seem的归纳总结 seem +to be +形容词/名词/介词短语/分词 seem to do Something seemed to be wrong with him. You seemed to be in a great hurry. The first memories seemed to be connected with work. He seemed to be a good leader. He seems to know everything. 沃愈粕瘤皆陆想蔗柿珠君蒋典吏鳖债渡锁教揭轴理挎帆读陈蜂浑圭酗霸已人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading seem 构成的句式: It seems that everyone was satisfied. It seems as if you are the first one here. There seems (to be) no reason for believing him. 染盗矗酱吧嗅朴吻慕提妥稚吊藤氏那婿法丘爱绑界在贯啄间巡韦戒复肩蒲人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading seem 表示有某种根据的判断, 这种判断往往 接近事实或者符合事实。 appear 从外表或者表面上看来“似乎, 好像”, 有时暗含“事实上并非如此”之意。 look 强调视觉上的印象。 It appears a true story. He looks a perfect fool. Do let your mother know all the truth. She seems ____ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told D 晰榔宽唁壶仓护壕种侨炔旷田童蘑篮留钩概霍疚苯亩焙将税暮林蒲苏测贩人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading 6. I set about researching the habits of snakes so I could trap them in the easiest way. 1) set about =set out: to begin or start 着手; 开始 他一到那儿就着手解决问题。 He __________________________ as soon as he arrived there. = He ________________________ as soon as he arrived there. set about solving the problem set out to solve the problem 御畜膳椭惯苫傍嘻哼勾夯廉姬坤割矩裂漾辛讲坎兑楞逸券荫务乌霓普走缴人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading人教英语选修8第三单元warming up and reading be in the habit out of habit break the habit d


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