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Chapter 2 Registration at Outpatient Department New words Registration ?[red?is‘trei??n] ? n. 登记, 注册, 挂号 Registration Card:挂号证 Registration number/mark :牌照号 Registered Nurse:注册护士 legibly:[led?ibli] adv. 易读地 ,易辨认地 He can write as neatly and legibly as the next person if he takes his time over it.? 若他不匆匆忙忙写的话,他能写得和别人一样整洁、清楚. chief complains:主诉 fill up:填写 To fill up a cheque?. (使)充满 Know your fill-up foods.注意腹胀食物。 ? Identification:身份识别,鉴定. Can I see your identification, please? 我能看看您的证件吗? be detailed in:详细的 consultation:[‘k?ns?l’tei??n]n.商量;会诊 in consultation with:通过与…商量 consult:[k?n‘s?lt] ? v. 商讨, 向...请教, 查阅 consult with one’ advisor:与顾问商量 consult one’ pillow:通夜思考 diagnose:?[dai?gn?uz]vt.诊断,判断 diagnosis:?[dai?g‘n?usis] ? n. 诊断 definitely:[definitli]ad.明确地,确切地;一定地,肯定地 definition:定义 Chapter 2 Unit 1 Registration Card Companion: Mark,I will help you fill up the blanks or the registration card.Write legibly your name, age, birthday, address, telephone number,sex and chief complains. Mark: All right. Thank you! Do I have to fill up all the blanks? Companion: Yes,it is necessary for proper identification. Mark:Do I have to be detailed in the comlaints? Companion: Definitely. It’s easier for the doctor to diagnose your illness and also for the nurses to take care of you. facility: [f?‘siliti]实验室,终端设备号 TCU:terminal control unit ?终端控制器 终端控制设备 managed care patient:诊治后的病人 short-term:短期 Attach:附上 s.s.#:social-security number社会安全号码 Primary insurer:主要承保人/保险公司 Co-insurance:共负保险 Attending MD:主治医师 Primary care MD:初级卫生保健部门 Day surg:当日归宅手术 Rehab: [ri:h?b]机能恢复,复原,康复 Health center :保健中心 MD office:医务室 Shelter: [?elt?]庇护场所 SNF: Convalescent?[k?nv?lesnt]养老院,康复机构 Supervised living arrangement:监护场所 Congregate [k??grigeit]集聚的Congregate housing:集聚场所 Applicable categories:提供的分类 Orthopedic:?[?:θ?upi:dik]矫形外科的 rehab[`ri:h?b] (=rehabilitation)恢复,康复 Neuro:neurotic?[nju?r?tik]神经疾病的 Neurology:?[nju?r?l?d?i]神经病学 reconditioning[‘ri:k?n’di∫?n]康复锻炼 Hospice ?[h?spis] care疗