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题  目 基于MSP430单片机的  智能门禁系统 目 录 一 论文正文 1 系统分析 1 1.1系统的可行性研究 1 1.2需求分析 1 1.3系统整体设计方案 1 1.4所需功能模块 2 2 系统组成结构及硬件设计 3 2.1系统组成 3 2.1.1收集层 3 2.1.2处理层 3 2.1.3通信层 3 2.1.4执行层 3 2.2系统结构 3 2.2.1锁体 4 2.2.2单片机系统 4 2.2.3微机系统 5 3 硬件设计方案 6 3.1用户读取器 6 3.2键盘硬件电路设计与实现 7 3.3单片机电路设计与实现 7 3.4单片机与门锁接口电路设计与实现 9 4 IC卡模块的设计与实现 9 4.1IC卡概念 9 5 与PC机通信的设计与实现 10 5.1初始化设置 10 5.2串口中断服务程序 12 6 LCD模块设计与实现 14 6.1LCD的结构设计 14 7 软件设计 15 7.1端口初始化程序 15 7.2液晶模块操作程序 18 8 结论 26 参考文献 27 谢辞 28 二 附录 1论文(设计)任务书 29 2论文(设计)结题报告 31 3论文(设计)成绩评定及答辩评议表 33 4论文(设计)答辩过程记录 35 基于MSP430单片机的智能门锁控制系统的设计 摘要:随着科技的进步,以单片机为核心的自动门锁控制系统已经开始进入了人们的生活。本论文着重阐述了以单片机为核心,通过并行接口直接控制LCD液晶显示器模块及键盘扫描,并与接触式IC卡读写技术相结合的系统。为保证门锁使用的安全性,系统自动比较IC卡密码和用户输入密码,若输入的密码与系统读出的IC卡密码相同,门锁自动开启;若连续输入三次错误的密码,系统自动停止此卡的使用,并及时将报警信号通过RS-485串行通信总线传往主控台。本设计的优点是硬件电路简单,软件功能完善,控制系统可靠,具有一定的实用价值。该系统拓展后,可用于其他智能家电的控制,具有好的应用前景。430单片机接触式IC卡LCD显示器电子门锁 The hardware design and realization of IC card electronic door locks controlling system Abstract:With the progress of technology, he automatic door locks control system which takes the the Single Micro Chip Computer as the core is stepping into peoples lives. This paper focuses on the system which takes the series Single Micro Chip Computer msp430 as the core, which controls Liquid Crystal Display modules and keyboard scanning through the control chip directly, and contacts the IC card read-write technology. In order to guarantee the security of the door locks use, the system design offers an comparision between the IC card password and the password which the user input. If inputed password and the IC card password read out on the system read-out are same, the door lock will be opened automaticly. If you input wrong password three times continuously, the system will automatically stop the use of the card, and the alarm will be transmited to the key station promptly through the RS-485 serial telecommunications bus st-bus. The advantage of this design is simple in the hardware circuits, software functional


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