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基于S7-300 PLC和触摸屏的吸液率测定装置 摘要 可编程控制器人机界面的人机界面对全面监控操作自动控制领域的作用日益显著显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 Programmable controller is a kind of application is extensive automatic control device, it will traditional relay control technology, computer technology and communication technology is an organic whole, have strong ability to control, convenient operation, high reliability, appropriate long-term continuous working characteristics, very suitable for sucks fluid rate mensuration requirements. In industrial field, with the rapid increase of automation degree, the user to the control system process monitoring demand is higher and higher, man-machine interface appeared just a satisfying user needs. The man-machine interface can of the control system is carried out comprehensive monitoring, including process monitoring, alarm prompt, data records, and other functions, thus make control system is becoming operating humanized, process visualization, in the role of automatic control field has more and more notable. This paper introduces a kind of soak glue process real-time measurement device by absorb fluid rate based on this device S7 - mill and HMI design. Analyzed the principle of measurement of the absorb fluid rate to determine equipment system, the hardware structure, software design and HMI screen configuration were detailed instructions. This device is advanced in designing, the perfect function, high reliability, and similar products compare in performance and reliability, are in a leading level. Keywords: soak glue process to absorb fluid rate average sucks fluid rate S7 - mill touch screen 1 绪论 1.1项目背景和意义 在我国随着社会的发展,很早就实行了自动控制。而在我国液位控制系统也利用得相当的广泛,特别在锅炉液位控制,水箱液位控制。由于其具有工况复杂、参数多变、运行惯性大、控制滞后等特点,它对控制调节器要求极高。为了解决人工控制的控制准度低、控制速度慢、灵敏度低等一系列问题。从而我们现在就引入了工业生产的自动化控制。近年来,国内外对温度控制器的研究进行了广泛、深入的研究,特别是随着计算机技术的发展,温度控制器的研究取得了巨大的发展,形成了一批商品化的温度调节器,如:职能化PID、模糊控制、自适应控制等,其性能、控制效果好,可广泛应用于温度控制系统。 在工业自动化领域内,PLC(可编程控制器)?以其可靠性高、抗干扰能力强、编程简单、功能强大、性价比高、体积小、能耗低等显著特点广泛应用于现代工业的自动控制之中。目前


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