Chapter 4计算机英语.ppt

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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Office Automation 教学目标: 掌握与办公自动化有关的词汇、基本概念,熟悉办公自动化的应用,了解办公自动化与外部通信。 重点:掌握本课中的重点词汇及计算机术语 难点:掌握课文中重点句子并能翻译成汉语 教学方法:讲授法 讨论法 练习法  Chapter 4 Office Automation 4.1 An introduction to office automation 一、Keywords automation 自动化,自动控制 reduce 减少 variety of 多种多样 effort 努力 成就 人力 businesses (商业) 业务 disposal 处理 安排 synonym 同义字 disuse 停用 retrieval 检索 relationship 关系 相关 productivity 生产力 investment 投资 integrated 综合 bookkeeping 文书 desktop publishing 桌面印刷 accuracy 精确性,正确性 expert 专家 controversy 辩论,论证 Chapter 4 Office Automation 4.1 An introduction to office automation 二、Text Office automation is technology that reduces the amount of human effort necessary to perform tasks in the office. Todays, businesses have a wide variety of office automation technology at their disposal. In the mid-1950s, the term was used as a synonym for almost any form of data processing, referring to the ways in which bookkeeping tasks were automated. After some years of disuse, the term was received in the mid-1970s to describe the interactive use of word and text processing systems, which would later be combined with powerful computer tools, thereby leading to a so-called integrated electronic office of the future. The major functional components if an office automation system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, personal assistance features and task management. Chapter 4 Office Automation 4.2 Application of office automation 一、Keywords technology 技术 encompass 包括 progenitor 祖先,起源 mailbox 电子邮箱 scanner 扫描 graph 图形 chart 图表 voice mail 语音邮件 weather report 天气预报 facsimile 传真 Chapter 4 Office Automation 4.2 Application of office automation 二、Text Office automation encompasses six major technologies: (1) Data processing--Information in numeric form usually calculated by a computer. (2) Word processing--Information in text form words and numbers. (3) Graphics--Information that


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