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实施“青蓝工程”促进教师成长 活动简报 为了进一步促进青年教师快速、健康成长,加强学校骨干教师队伍建设,促进师资队伍整体素质的提升,市二中小学部语文教研组于9月5日启动教师校际交流活动第三届“青蓝工程”之“师徒结对”活动及教研组组内活动交流。   市二中小学部过去已经组织开展了二届“师徒结对” 活动。为小学教师创建了一个沟通、交流、互动、研讨的平台;为青年教师营造了良好的成长氛围;也充分发挥了学校“骨干教师”和“行政领导班子带头”的“传”“帮”“带”作用。   本届“青蓝工程”之“师徒结对”活动。共有12位教师参加,小学教务员王瑛与特岗教师马月琪结队。采取老教师带动新教师为徒的方式,行政领导带动各组和形式引领青年教师的专业化成长。同时制定“师”“徒”职责与具体活动内容,从课堂教学的“备、讲、辅、批”到教学管理的方法艺术,共同研究,互帮互助、取长补短,提升教师的教育教学水平。 王瑛老师精心为青年教师马月琪指导课 语文教研组对青年教师的课题性研究学习和探讨 语文教研组教研活动开展情况 requires unified signage with a white PVC cable, defined as 65*25mm, with a dedicated printer for printing, require clear, not deciduous, unified the font is black. Prince line hanging within enclosures, junction boxes, same row height should be consistent, generally have a fixed height for the cable head stripping and cutting down 10MM. Electric requires unified signage with a white PVC cable, defined as 65*25mm, with a dedicated printer for printing, require clear, not deciduous, unified the font is black. Prince line hanging within enclosures, junction boxes, same row height should be consistent, generally have a fixed height for the cable head stripping and cutting down 10MM. Electric requires unified signage with a white PVC cable, defined as 65*25mm, with a dedicated printer for printing, require clear, not deciduous, unified the font is black. Prince line hanging within enclosures, junction boxes, same row height should be consistent, generally have a fixed height for the cable head stripping and cutting down 10MM. Electric



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