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There are ways to enable yourself not to be overwhelmed by stress. A great way to get rid of stress is, once in a while, break a habitual action and do something totally different without any planning. Other ways include saying “no” to extra job requests, taking time off to be with family and friends, developing hobbies and helping others by doing volunteer work.? Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Once people have learned to monitor stress, they can lead stress-free life. For your reference Writing—Structure Writing II. Practical Writing Writing—Practical Writing Résumé A résumé is a summary of one’s own personal and educational background and one’s work experience. It usually contains name, address, telephone number, experience, education, personal data, job objective, publications, foreign language skills, hobbies and interests. It usually ends with information about one’s references (介绍信,推荐信) . A Model Résumé Zhi Wang 503 Cherry St. ﹟212 College Station, TX 77840 Home Phone: (979) 696-1622 E-mail: zhiwang@tamu.edu Objective: Seeking a position as IT Developer, Software Engineer, or Field Consultant Writing—Practical Writing Education: 1999—present Texas AM University, College Station, Texas (Except) M.S. in Computer Science 1995—1999 Nanjing University, China B.S. in Computer Science Computer Skills: Language: C/C++, MFC, Java, Fortran Operating System: Unix, Windows NT/95/98, DOS Package: Visual Studio, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Matlab Networking: TCP/IP, RPC, UNIX IPCs, IP Muticast Writing—Practical Writing Experience: August, 2002


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