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U1 Vocabulary Focus LA_VF_C3 It completely slipped my mind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. inundate slip one’s mind forgetful list organized link gap remember utilize boost flood be forgotten absentminded ignore arbitrary correlation retention recollect apply reduce overwhelm be remembered attentive record random association interruption draw a blank employ enhance hesitate be overlooked distracted chronicle unsystematic disconnection lapse recall reject promote Keys Lesson B Personality plus Lesson A Memory and the mind Vocabulary Focus LA_VF_D1 It completely slipped my mind. Pair work. Look at the word pairs in bold and discuss how they are similar and how they are different. Then complete the sentence with the correct verb. remember / reminisce Clara is always (remembering / reminiscing) about her life in Pairs twenty years ago. I still (remember / reminisce) the first time I visited New York City. concentrate / contemplate I’m seriously (concentrating / contemplating) studying abroad in New Zealand next year. Are you (concentrating / contemplating) on your work or daydreaming about the weekend again? 1. 2. Keys Lesson B Personality plus Lesson A Memory and the mind Vocabulary Focus LA_VF_D2 It completely slipped my mind. remind / recall Can you (recall / remind) me to bring a camera to the party tomorrow? Do you (recall / remind) where I put my keys? I can’t seem to find them. imagine / conceive When I was a child, I used to (conceive / imagine) that I had an invisible friend. How did they manage to (conceive / imagine) of such a brilliant plan? 3. 4. Keys Lesson B Personality plus Lesson A Memory and the mind Does our birth order in the family influence our personality? Here is a report on this issue by Emilie Le Beau. Listen to the first part of it. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence based on what has been said. LA _OL_A Born to be … 1. 2. 3. 4. Optional Listening Keys Diana is the (oldest / middle) child in


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