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* Smile Challenge 冰桶挑战 Ice Bucket Challenge called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (ALS Ice Bucket Challenge), requires participants to be published on the Internet that they have been ice water thrown over the body of the video content, then the participant will be able to ask other people to participate in this an activity. Activities provisions invitee either accept the challenge within 24 hours, or to choose to fight, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症 to donate $ 100. 微笑挑战 #Smile challenge, I accepted the challenge of smile from everyone! #Let a smile passed on the left put pictures of people who point you, the right to put your own photos ! Ten points to pass a smiles It is a happy thing with smiling in all screen . #微笑挑战,我接受大家的微笑挑战!#让微笑传递下去,左边放上点你人的照片,右边放上你自己的照片!点十个人继续传递微笑!被微笑刷屏是一件幸福的事情。 Can anyone tell me what happened? In the end who is the first to launch a smile Challenge has not test, but a short time swept through the Wechat circle of friends, many of which are also involved in show business stars is fueled, making it a hot media coverage. Like Yapeng show their high-profile involvement Smile Challenge photos, and use the logo sweet angel fund, and Together with Duoduo , and help harelip(兔唇) children smile propaganda pictures, so many media reports it is a similar ice bucket challenge of charity. 到底是谁最先发起“微笑挑战”已不可考,但短时间内席卷微信朋友圈,许多演艺界明星也参与其中更是推波助澜,使其成为媒体争相报道的一个热点。李亚鹏高调地秀出自己参与“微笑挑战”的照片,并且使用了“嫣然天使基金”的标识,以及“和多多一起为唇腭裂儿童微笑”的宣传图片,许多媒体报道时认为这是一次类似“冰桶挑战”的公益活动。 兔唇,亦即唇裂,是口腔颌面部常见的先天性畸形,发生率约为1:1000。正常的胎儿,在第五周以后开始由一些胚胎突起逐渐互相融合形成面部,如未能正常发育便可发生畸形,其中包括唇裂。 微笑对人来说很简单 why arent you smilling? Actually,I am smilling now! Care about others You are not alone ! People in transformation period of the society, the life and work pressure increases, resulting in a lot of people in a spiritual state of paralysis! Smile challenges this using the Internet and social media as a platform game, transfer positive energy, simple and happy, in the continuously delivery of


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